A Node.js app that ports the AngularJS Projects app to use MySQL backend(instead of MongoDB)
- Clone the app to
folder cd mysqlProjectsList
foldernpm install
node app.js
- open browser at
- Clone the app to
folder cd mysqlProjectsList
foldernpm install
> vmc push mysqlProjectsList
Instances> 1
1: node
2: other
Framework> node <---- Select Node.js framework
1: node
2: node06
3: node08
4: other
Runtime> 3 <---- Select Node.js 0.8v of runtime
1: 64M
2: 128M
3: 256M
4: 512M
Memory Limit> 64M <----- 64MB memory
Creating mysqlProjectsList... OK
1: mysqlProjectsList.cloudfoundry.com
2: none
URL> mysqlProjectsList.cloudfoundry.com <---------This'll be the url of your app
Updating mysqlProjectsList... OK
Create services for application?> y
1: blob 0.51
2: mongodb 2.0
3: mysql 5.1
4: postgresql 9.0
5: rabbitmq 2.4
6: redis 2.4
7: redis 2.2
8: redis 2.6
What kind?> 3 <--------------- Select & add MySQL service
Name?> mysql-ccc0e <-- Just a name of the MYSQL service
Creating service mysql-ccc0e... OK
Binding mysql-ccc0e to mysqlProjectsList... OK
Create another service?> n
Bind other services to application?> n
Save configuration?> n
Uploading mysqlProjectsList... OK
Starting mysqlProjectsList... OK
Checking mysqlProjectsList... OK
- The app runs both locally and on Cloud Foundry w/o any changes to it.
- Check out Cloud Foundry getting started here
- Install latest vmc tool by running
sudo gem install vmc ---pre
- Front-end is from AngularJS example.