This bot runs in the background, and saves URLs to a local SQLite database. If a URL already exists in the database the bot will flag the message and alert the reposter.
A list of reposters is also stored and can be triggered by using the command /repoststats
in the chat where the bot is active. Reposters will be shown in descending order.
To build:
go build -o tg-reposteroni
Required env variables:
Your bot token. Learn how to create a new token here:
is the location in which the bot's URL and repost database is stored, e.g:
A Docker Image of this bot can be found under the name dockerd89/tg-reposteroni
To run in Docker:
docker run -d -v /your/local/dir/:/app/data -P -e "DATABASE_PATH=data/reposts.db" -e "BOT_TOKEN=<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>" dockerd89/tg-reposteroni