sigfish is an experiment toolkit that attempts to directly map nanopore raw signal data to a reference. Supports R9 DNA and RNA, R10 DNA and the latest RNA004 kits from ONT.
This is under construction. Interface and parameters are not stable. Documentation is currently minimal
This repository of sigfish supports CPU only. For the FPGA accelerated version, please refer to the sigfish-haru fork for which the documentation is located HARU and the publication at GIGAScience.
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev #install zlib development libraries
git clone
cd sigfish
The commands to install zlib development libraries on some popular distributions:
On Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
On Fedora/CentOS : sudo dnf/yum install zlib-devel
On OS X : brew install zlib
Currently, there are two subtools: dtw and eval.
Performs subsequence Dynamic Time Warping (sDTW) of raw signals in S/BLOW5 format to a reference in FASTA format. This is an all-to-all alignment and is not intended for large references.
Usage: sigfish dtw [OPTIONS] genome.fa/transcriptome.fa reads.blow5
Output is in a PAF-like format with the following columns:
Col | Type | Description |
1 | string | Read identifier name |
2 | int | Raw signal length (number of samples) |
3 | int | Raw signal start index (0-based; BED-like; closed) |
4 | int | Raw signal end index (0-based; BED-like; open) |
5 | char | Relative strand: "+" or "-" |
6 | string | Reference name |
7 | int | Reference sequence length |
8 | int | start on the reference sequence (0-based; BED-like; closed) |
9 | int | end on reference sequence (0-based; BED-like; open) |
10 | int | Approximation of number of matching bases in the alignment |
11 | int | Alignment block length on the reference in terms of bases |
12 | int | Mapping quality (0-255; 255 for missing) |
Following optional tags are present:
Tag | Type | Description |
tp | A | Type of alignment: P/primary |
d1 | f | DTW score (lower the better) |
d2 | f | DTW score of the next best alignment |
If you specify --sam
, the output will be in SAM format containing ss and si tags similar to the format described here. This output can be used to visualise the alignment using squigualiser.
basic options:
-t INT number of processing threads [8]
-K INT batch size (max number of reads loaded at once) [512]
-B FLOAT[K/M/G] max number of bytes loaded at once [20.0M]
-h help
-o FILE output to file [stdout]
--verbose INT verbosity level [4]
--version print version
--pore STR set the pore chemistry (r9, r10 or rna004) [auto]
advanced options:
--kmer-model FILE custom nucleotide k-mer model file (format similar to test/r9-models/r9.4_450bps.nucleotide.6mer.template.model)
--rna the dataset is direct RNA
-q INT the number of events in query signal to align [250]
-p INT the number of events to trim at query signal start [50]
--debug-break INT break after processing the specified no. of batches
--profile-cpu=yes|no process section by section (used for profiling on CPU)
--dtw-std use DTW standard instead of DTW subsequence
--invert reverse the reference events instead of query
--full-ref map to the full reference
--from-end Map the end portion of the query instead of the beginning
--sam Output in SAM format
Evaluates/compare mappings in PAF format (testset) by comparing to a truthset which is also in PAF format. As an example, testset is the output from sigfish dtw, whereas, truthset can be the mapping output from Minimap2. The mapping position (includes contig name, coordinates and strandness) for read ID in the testset is compared agianst those in the truthset. A mapping is considered correct if the contig name and the strandness in the testset exactly matches the truthset and the mapping coodinates match the criteria min(|diff_st|,|diff_end|) < THRESHOLD
truth: -----------------------------
test: -----------------------------------
|<---diff_st--->| |<-----diff_end----->|
THRESHOLD is 100 by default.
Output includes statistics for mapping accuracy considering the testset as a whole, as well as based on individual mapping qualities scores.
sigfish eval truth.paf test.paf
basic options:
-h help
--version print version
--secondary STR consider secondary mappings. yes or no.
--tid-only consider regerence name and strand only
- The output PAF-like format output by sigfish dtw was inspired by UNCALLED. sigfish eval was implemented by learning from UNCALLED pafstats.
- The methodology in ReadUntil was referred to when implementing alignment component in sigfish dtw
- The event detection code is from Oxford Nanopore's Scrappie basecaller.
- The DTW code is from mlpy.
- The pore-models are from Nanopolish.
- Some code snippets have been taken from Minimap2, Samtools.
You may cite the following:
Po Jui Shih, Hassaan Saadat, Sri Parameswaran, Hasindu Gamaarachchi, Efficient real-time selective genome sequencing on resource-constrained devices, GigaScience, Volume 12, 2023, giad046,
title={Efficient real-time selective genome sequencing on resource-constrained devices},
author={Shih, Po Jui and Saadat, Hassaan and Parameswaran, Sri and Gamaarachchi, Hasindu},
publisher={Oxford University Press}