Groundwater pumping estimation in Arizona using remote sensing datasets and machine learning
limcheekin / flutter-gpt
Forked from mpaepper/content-chatbotBuild a Flutter Q&A bot of Flutter Docs Site (
Pre-trained Transformers for Arabic Language Understanding and Generation (Arabic BERT, Arabic GPT2, Arabic ELECTRA)
ibrahim85 / Arabic-Named-Entity-Recognition-1
Forked from SajaALTawalbeh/Arabic-Named-Entity-RecognitionNamed entity recognition (NER) is considered as one of the important tasks of natural languages processing (NLP). This paper presents two approaches that were developed for Arabic named entity reco…
A named entity recognition model for Arabic text to recognize persons, locations, and organizations.
Arabic named entity recognition using AnerCorp corpus (location , organisation, person, Miscellaneous Word)
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
[MICCAI 2021] You Only Learn Once: Universal Anatomical Landmark Detection