Personal dotfiles for Hyprland and Catppuccin Mocha based theme.
Keybind | Action |
SUPER + T | Open terminal (Wezterm) |
SUPER + C | Kill active window |
SUPER + V | Toggle floating |
SUPER + P | Toggle pseudo |
SUPER + J | Swap split direction |
SUPER + A | Swap split positions |
SUPER + B | Open browser (Firefox) |
SUPER + L | Lock screen (Hyprlock) |
SUPER + Q | Open notifications panel |
SUPER + SHIFT + S | Run Hyprshot region mode |
SUPER + Space | Open app launcher (Rofi) |
SUPER + M | Open emoji selector (Rofimoji) |
SUPER + [Arrow Keys] | Move window focus |
SUPER + [0-9] | Switch between workspaces |
SUPER + SHIFT + [0-9] | Move active window to a workspace |
SUPER + [Left Mouse Button] | Drag to move window |
SUPER + [Right Mouse Button] | Drag to resize window |
AUR Helper
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
git clone
cd paru
makepkg -si
Fonts and Icons
sudo pacman -S ttf-fantasque-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols papirus-icon-theme
GTK Theme
sudo pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
paru -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha
Hypr Ecosystem
sudo pacman -S hyprland hyprpaper hyprlock xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland hyprutils
paru -S hyprshot
sudo pacman -S waybar rofi-wayland swaync rofimoji
Terminal Emulator
sudo pacman -S wezterm
File Managers
sudo pacman -S yazi nautilus
For MTP to be shown on Nautilus
sudo pacman -S gvfs-mtp
sudo pacman -S fastfetch btop imv neovim lazygit udiskie
Clone it in your home directory:
cd && git clone [email protected]:hbacelar8/.dotfiles.git
In the .dotfiles directory, stow every config:
stow btop fastfetch hypr imv lazygit nvim rofi swaync waybar wezterm yazi zsh