#TTS Server
This is a simple Text To Speech (TTS) server that run on Mac OS X. You can try the basic sample, by entering http://localhost:8082/ and entrering some text to be played. This sample queue automatically the text entered in the fields when you modify it and will be played when you hit the play button. If you want to hear them a second time you will have to either modify the text or press the 'ReQueueAll' button before pressing Play again.
npm install
npm start
You can use it by hitting the WebService (WS) directly in your favorite web browser
open http://localhost:8082/api/v1/tts.json/play/Fred/Hello%20World
Will play "hello world" using the voice Fred.
Supported voice on Lion are:
Kathy, Vicki, Victoria or Alex, Bruce, Fred
Have fun.
You can also use curl to pre-generate an audio file:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"voice":"Alex","text":"hello world"}' 'http://localhost:8082/api/v1/tts.json/generate?api_key=node-tts-key-id'
And you can look at the REST API docs at