Translate text in a gettext-like way by parsing .po files instead of actually using the PHP gettext implementation.
The default gettext implementation doesn't always work and is a bit hard to understand. Potext gives you the ability to still use shorthand functions like _po()
and _npo()
(for plurals), but use a .po file (parsed with PHP-po-parser) to display the actual text. No text domains or locales. You just put your text in those functions and then set a file whose text will be presented to the user.
Just use Gettext.
Clone this repo or find Potext on Packagist and install it with Composer:
composer require hdodov/potext:dev-master
Firstly, make sure you require
Composer's autoload file:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Then, create a Potext object. It allows you to extract data from the po file:
$potext_bg = new Potext\Potext('./locales/bg.po');
Finally, set the Translate singleton to use the Potext object you've just created:
Potext\Translate::$potext = $potext_bg;
This singleton is used by the translator functions (like _po()
) to display text. If it has no $potext
set, it would simply display the input text.
Now you're ready to display some translated text!
_po("Text"); // Get translated string
_epo("Text"); // Echo translated string
_npo("%d Text", "%d Texts", $n); // Get translated plural string
_enpo("%d Text", "%d Texts", $n); // Echo translated plural string
If you're using a program like Poedit to translate text, strings inside the Potext functions will not be collected unless you add them to Poedit's keyword list! You need to add this: