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DNT: Display Neighborhood Temperatures Version 3.0.1

Display thermometer readings from around your neighborbood

DNT is a Python program that uses the output from rtl_433 to display temperature and humidity readings from remote thermometers around your neighborhood.

The readings are obtained from the rtl_433 program that monitors the Industrial-Scientific-Medical (ISM) radio-frequency band used by remote devices to communicate with their owners' base stations. Acurite and LaCrosse indoor/outdoor thermometers are examples of such devices. rtl_433 receives and analyzes those broadcast packets. DNT uses the output of rtl_433 to display the temperature (in Fahrenheit or Celsius) and relative-humidity readings from sensors in your neighborhood, across a variety of manufacturers' devices, even if you don't own those sensors.



DNT requires access to an rtl_433 service (which may be on the same computer) as its source of weather remote-sensor data. DNT can connect to that service via either HTTP or MQTT network protocols. DNT requires Python3 on the displaying computer. You can confirm that the rtl_433 host is streaming HTTP by running the stream program from this repository. You can confirm that the rtl_433 host is publishing MQTT records by subscribing to the feed: mosquitto_sub -h <host> -t "rtl_433/<host>/events".

If you choose to use MQTT as the communication protocol, DNT also requires Paho-MQTT to be installed on that computer. Paho-MQTT v2 broke v1 callback invocations, but v2.2 of DNT and subsequent versions incorporate a workaround so that it will operate with either v1.x or v2.x of Paho-MQTT.

If your system already has the required components, the command ./DNT is all that's needed to display local temperatures. ./DNT starts the program and prompts for the name of the rtl_433 host on your local area network that provides MQTT subscription service. ./DNT -H <hostname> starts the program without the prompt. ./DNT -S HTTP -H <hostname> starts the program and connects using the HTTP program, if the rtl_433 service is configured to provide HTTP streaming.

The DNT program opens a scrollable, resizable display window with columns for the thermometer identity, temperature, humidity, and warning flags; appends new remote thermometer devices and associated data as they are observed by the rtl_433 host system; and updates subsequent readings as they are reported.

./DNT -h provides more information about command-line options. Additional configuration options are described in a later section.

The Display Window

In its upper panel, the display window indicates the communication protocol being used to connect to the rtl_433 host that it is monitoring, the host name/IP and port, and the time of the last message seen as reported by the rtl_433 server. It also provides three buttons:

  1. "WRst" is the Warning Reset button: it clears the warning flags for all devices (the last column of the data display -- see below).
  2. "Togl" toggles the display window between full screen and reduced size.
  3. "Quit" exits the program. (CNTL-C in the controlling terminal window also works)

The data panel lists the location ("familiar name" -- see configuration section below) or thermometer identifier, temperature, % relative humidity, and warning flags for each individual thermometer seen. By default, temperature is reported in Fahrenheit: to have the temperature reported in Celsius, invoke with DNT -C.

The thermometer identifier is a concatenation of "model"/"id"/"channel" as reported by rtl_433 and looks something like "Acurite-Tower/11524/A". Unless you've configured DNT to associate the thermometer identifier with a "familiar name" or "location", the data display will list devices in the order in which they were observed by rtl_433 beginning when DNT first started seeing MQTT events.

If you've configured DNT to associate the thermometer identifier with location, those devices will be moved to the top of the display list as they're observed by rtl_433.

Warning Flags

DNT monitors packets decoded by rtl_433 for two signals that might indicate that maintenance of a remote sensor is needed:

  1. Battery Low is indicated by "!!" in the warning flags column. Though not universally standard, devices generally indicate an impending low-battery condition by changing the battery_low flag from 1 to 0 in its broadcast packets. Any occurence of battery_low = 0 causes DNT to post the "!!" warning flag for that device. That flag is sticky: the warning flag remains, even if battery_low returns to 1, since the battery voltage may be fluctuating with ambient temperature and the device may need attention in any case.
  2. Status Change is indicated by "?!" in the warning flags column. The remote-device status field is not present in the packets for all devices and is not standardized. But a change in status may indicate that the device needs attention and so is flagged. The "Status Change" flag is also sticky: once set for a device, it remains set despite any subsequent changes in packet status field values.

Battery Low takes precedence over Status Change, so only "!!" will be displayed if the battery-low flag has been seen even if a status-change has occurred.

The "WRst" button clears both the battery-low and status-change flags for all devices. If warning flags reappear after a reset, they are due to new warning conditions appearing for the device.


This system uses several components, all of which could be hosted on one computer but can also be distributed over several systems:

  • The DNT Python3 program itself, which displays the current readings from a set of remote sensors in the neighborhood of your rtl_433 service. DNT receives the readings over your network via HTTP or MQTT from that rtl_433 monitoring system. DNT can actually run on the monitoring computer itself or on any number of other computers connected to the same local-area network as the monitoring computer.
  • A host monitoring system that:
    • Has an RTL_SDR dongle attached, to receive ISM broadcasts. In the US, that band is at 433.92MHz, but the devices and software components function across the range of ISM bands used around the world.
    • Runs the rtl_433 program to collect and analyze the ISM packets and publish the analyzed packets as JSON messages via HTTP or MQTT over your local network.
    • Either is configured to stream data packets via HTTP or runs an MQTT broker to publish the ISM events seen by rtl_433 via MQTT.

The components are standard hardware and software components, easily obtained from online sources and well maintained. The only component included here is DNT: sources for the other components are provided in sections below.


DNT was developed on MacOSX and Raspberry Pi OS and should function on any system that supports the requisite Python3, tkinter, and Paho-MQTT components. The DNT program was originally designed to run on a Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen display but functions equally well on a large display.

If you already have an rtl_433 host running on your network and publishing events via HTTP or MQTT, DNT is ready to go. If not, follow the instructions in the section below to set up an rtl_433 monitoring host.

Then perform these steps on the computers you intend to use to display temperatures from neighborhood thermometer remotes:

  1. If you haven't already done so, download this package: git clone on a system that will run XWindows and has a touchscreen or has a keyboard/mouse/display attached. The remaining work is on that system.
  2. Install the Python3 mqtt library used to receive the mqtt JSON packets from the monitoring system over your local network: pip3 install paho-mqtt. New installs will install v2 of paho-mqtt, but DNT will function with older v1 versions of paho-mqtt as well.
  3. If the rtl_433 service system is streaming data via HTTP, run ./http_rtl on the monitoring system to confirm that it is able to receive the streamed data.
  4. If you're using MQTT protocol, start up the MQTT verification program: ./mqTest, and provide the name of the rtl_433 monitoring host. If your monitoring system is in operation, mqTest will simply type out on the terminal screen the information about the packets that the monitoring system is receiving via the RTL_SDR dongle and publishing via mqtt. If it isn't working, but testing with mosquitto_sub is working on your monitoring system, add command-line parameters to mqTest to identify the correct host, topic, port and (if secured) username and password needed for the host computer MQTT subscription. DNT relies on the same connection system as mqTest, so once you've confirmed those parameters with mqTest, provide those parameters to DNT.
  5. Finally, test DNT:
    • Run ./DNT or ./DNT -S HTTP by issuing that command in a terminal window on an XWindows display. If you want temperatures in Celsius, add -C to that command. Over several minutes, the list on the screen will be populated, then regularly updated, with thermometer readings. The frequency of updating varies by manufacturer and model, but readings are usually reported every 30-to-60 seconds, so individual lines in the display will be updated at different frequencies.
    • rtl_433 reports the model, channel, and id number of the devices it sees, but those identifiers might not be familiar to you. DNT has a small dictionary of thermometers you might want to watch and label with familiar names such as "porch" or "Schmidts". Those identifier-label associations are listed as a dictionary near the beginning of the DNT code. The thermometers are identified by keyword constructed from a model name, channel used, and a model id, as a single concatenated string. Near the beginning of the DNT code is a dictionary of "model/id/channel" keywords and an associated location label. If you know the "model/id/channel" for your own thermometer remote, or that of neighbors, edit the "model/id/channel" keyword and corresponding location label to identify those. If present, the "location" value will be displayed in the data table and listed at the top of the table.
  6. If you want to be able to start DNT by touching or clicking an icon on your Linux desktop, perform these additional steps from the DNT installation directory:
    • Edit the file DNT.desktop to append -H <hostname> and any other needed HTTP or MQTT parameters to the invocation of /usr/local/bin/DNT.
    • If you want readings in Celsius, edit the file DNT.desktop to add -C at the end of the DNT command line.
    • sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
    • sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/pixmaps
    • mkdir ~/Desktop
    • sudo cp DNT /usr/local/bin/
    • sudo cp DNT.png /usr/local/share/pixmaps/
    • cp DNT.desktop ~/Desktop/

Providing parameters to DNT

DNT requires information about the rtl_433 service host:

  • HTTP or MQTT host name
  • host HTTP or MQTT port [if not the HTTP 8433 or MQTT 1883 standard port]
  • MQTT topic [if using MQTT]
  • MQTT login username [if MQTT is secured]
  • MQTT login password [if MQTT is secured]

All but the host name are set to default values and may not need to be changed. But if you're using MQTT and your rtl_433 host MQTT broker parameters are set differently, these parameters may be provided in four different ways. In decreasing order of precedence:

  1. Command line switches [-H, -P, -T, -u, -p] override all other sources to specify HOST, PORT, TOPIC, USER, or PASSWORD respectively.
  2. These environment variables override internal variable assignments and avoid prompting:
    • MQTT_PORT (default 1883) or HTTP_PORT (default 8433)
    • MQTT_TOPIC (default "rtl_433/+/events")
    • MQTT_USER (default "")
    • MQTT_PASSWORD (default "")
  3. The required parameter values can be assigned within the program source code. Default values are set near the beginning of the DNT source code.
  4. If not specified on command line, provided via environment, or set as internal variable assignments in the Python source code, the program prompts for HOST and assigns defaults to PORT, TOPIC, USER, and PASSWORD.

Operation and Maintenance

You may have trouble identifying the location of the various thermometer remotes from which your RTL-SDR receives signals. But you can likely identify those that are closest to you by observing the average signal-to-noise ratio over time and selecting those with the highest SNR for display in your table. See the section below on how to do that.

Over time, the "id" number of your dictionary entries will change! When the batteries on the remote are depleted, the owner must reinstall new batteries and re-synch the remote with the indoor thermometer: for most devices, the "id" changes. Use mosquitto_sub or mqTest or DNT -d or http_rtl to monitor the devices transmitting in your neighborhood and update the "model/id/channel" value in the association dictionary accordingly. Or catalog devices using the method below and edit entries from the list rtl_433_stats generates.

Command-line Options and Debugging

The following options may be provided on the command line to provide parameters and manag e program operation:

  • [-h | --help]
    Describes the command-line options
  • [-S | --source] [HTTP | MQTT]
    Connect to the rtl_433 service via HTTP or MQTT protocol (default MQTT)
  • [-H | --host] <HTTP streaming or MQTT Broker host name (string)>
    Identify the rtl_433 HTTP or MQTT server on your local-area network that is publishing rtl_433 packet infomation in JSON format
  • [-P | --port] <rtl_433` service MQTT publishing port or HTTP stream port (integer)>
    Only needed if modified on the server from the default 1883 for MQTT or 8433 for HTTP): Specifies the port the rtl_433 service is using to broadcast rtl_433 messages
  • [-C | `--Celsius']
    Display temperatures in degrees Celsius (default Fahrenheit)
  • [-F | --Fahrenheit]
    Display temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (default)
  • [-T | --topic] <MQTT Broker rtl_433 topic (string)>
    Identify the rtl_433 topic as it is being broadcast by the MQTT broker [default "rtl_433/+/events"]
  • [-u | --username] <MQTT Broker rtl_433 username (string)>
    Only needed if broker is secured: Username needed to access the MQTT broker
  • [-p | --password] <MQTT Broker rtl_433 password>
    Only needed if broker is secured: Password needed to access the MQTT broker
  • [-v | --version]
    Displays the version of DNT

Two command-line options may be useful for debugging or verifying DNT operation:

  • -d causes a variety of processing messages to be printed on the controlling terminal as the program processes data packets. This might be most useful in first running DNT as it then prints extended information about received packets, including the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. SNR may be helpful in identifying relative distance of various remote sensors seen by the RTL-SDR dongle, as higher values indicate closer proximity. (Generally, an SNR of 15-20 is a close device from which you will routinely see transmissions; an SNR of 10 or less indicates a remote device from which transmissions are likely to be unreliable.)
  • -W only activates if -d is also invoked. -W causes DNT to artificially inject battery-low and status-change conditions in packets to verify that the warning flags activate and that the "WRst" button clears them.

Cataloging Nearby Devices with rtl_433_stats

The rtl_433.conf configuration file entry output json:/var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.json in the setup of the monitoring system above creates a log file on that monitoring system of all JSON packets published via mqtt. It can be analyzed to catalog the devices from which the monitoring RTL_SDR dongle has received ISM packets.

The rtl_433_stats program analyzes the JSON log files generated by the rtl_433 host system. So either install the stats program on that computer, or copy the log file to the system on which you do install the stats program.

Install and invoke the rtl_433_stats program:

  1. Connect to your download directory and get the rtl_433_stats package:
  2. Follow the installation instructions in the README in that package.
  3. Test your local installation with the xaa.json file that is provided with the package.
  4. STOP the monitoring process on your rtl_433 host with sudo systemctl stop rtl_433. The rtl_433 program appends JSON records very quickly, and the analysis is more reliable if the log file is not being appended to by rtl_433.
  5. Analyze your recorded data with rtl_433_stats -f /var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.log > rtl.txt, then restart rtl_433 with sudo systemctl start rtl_433.
  6. cat rtl.txt or less rtl.txt to browse the report. Look, in particular, for thermometer devices with a relatively large number of recorded entries and large SNR values: those are likely devices that are static and near to your location. [You may also see tire-pressure gauges, fuel-oil readings, security systems, etc.]
  7. Use the information from the rtl_433_stats catalog to update the "model/id/channel":location association dictionary at the beginning of the DNT code.

The Monitoring Computer

These instructions are for a Linux system. It should be possible to install the monitoring system on OSX as well since the software components of the monitoring system are available for Mac (not tried -- use brew or port to install the MQTT component).

Perform these steps on the computer you intend to use to monitor the ISM-band radio signals.

  1. If you don't already have one, purchase an RTL-SDR receiver. Use your favorite search engine to search for "rtl sdr receiver". They cost about $30US. But be sure to get one with an antenna appropriate for your region's ISM frequency band. Then you simply plug it in to a USB port on your monitoring computer.
  2. If you're not sure of the frequency of ISM bands in use in your location, use a tool such as CubicSDR ( to observe the various ISM bands and discover which ones have activity in your region. Set the frequency in rtl_433 (below) accordingly.
  3. If you plan to use the MQTT broker service, install mosquitto: sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-client. The broker will be started by systemd and will be restarted whenever the system is rebooted.
  4. Connect to a download directory on your monitoring computer and use git to install rtl_433: git clone
  5. Connect to the installed rtl_433 directory and follow the instructions in ./docs/BUILDING.mdto build and install the rtl_433 program. Be sure to install the prerequisite programs needed by rtl_433 before starting cmake.
  6. INITIAL TEST Following the build and install, you can simply invoke sudo /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 to verify that it starts up, finds the RTL_SDR dongle, and identifies ISM packets. You may need to adjust the frequency via command line, e.g., -f 315M, if you're not in the US.
  7. rtl_433 is a very sophisticated program with many options, and you may want to explore its use by reading through the help message or browsing the configuration file. But for regular operation, it's easiest to create the configuration file and, once it's working as you want it to, add rtl_433 as a system service following instructions:
    • cp /usr/local/etc/rtl_433/rtl_433.example.conf /usr/local/etc/rtl_433/rtl_433.conf
    • Edit /usr/local/etc/rtl_433/rtl_433.conf:
      • If your regional ISM band is not 433.92MHz, set the correct frequency in the "frequency" entry.
      • Under ## Analyze/Debug options, comment out stats reporting: #report_meta stats
      • If you plan to use MQTT protocol, under ## Data output options/# as command line option: add output mqtt to have rtl_433 publish via MQTT.
      • Under ## Data output options/# add output json:/var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.json to have rtl_433 log received packets to a log file in case you want to do subsequent analysis of devices in your neighborhood. More options for MQTT publishing service are available, but this will get you started. *Create the directory for that log file: sudo mkdir /var/log/rtl_433
  8. PRODUCTION TEST Now sudo /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 from the command line of one terminal screen on the monitoring computer. From the command line of another terminal screen on that computer, or from another computer with mosquitto client installed, type mosquitto_sub -h <monitorhost> -t "rtl_433/<monitorhost>/events", where you substitute your monitoring computer's hostname for "<monitorhost>". If you have ISM-band traffic in your neighborhood, and if you've tuned rtl_433 to the correct frequency, you should be seeing the JSON-format records of packets received by the RTL_SDR dongle. If you don't, first verify that you can publish to mosquitto on that monitoring computer and receive via a client (use the native mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub commands). If mosquitto is functioning correctly, check that the rtl_433 configuration file specifies mqtt output correctly.
  9. Finally, install the rtl_433 monitor as a service:
    • sudo cp rtl_433.service /etc/systemd/system/ to copy the .service file from this download directory (where this README file is located) into the systemd directory
    • sudo systemctl enable rtl_433 and sudo systemctl start rtl_433 to enable and start the service
    • Now, whenever the monitoring system is rebooted, it will restart the rtl_433 service and the mqtt service needed to broadcast in JSON format the information received by the RTL_433 dongle as ISM packets.

The JSON log file grows quickly, so you will, over time, need to remove the JSON log file on the monitoring computer (/var/log/rtl_433/rtl_433.json). Or you may want to use logrotate to manage those JSON files, in which case you could sudo mv rtl_433.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/rtl_433 on the host monitoring system to compress and manage the log files.

The developers of rtl_433 continually update the list of devices that the program recognizes, so connect to the rtl_433 download directory, git pull, re-build, and re-install rtl_433 periodically to add recognition of new devices in your neighborhood.

Release History

  • V1.0: First operational version
  • V2.0: Make display table scrollable; add warning flags
  • V2.10.0: Introduce use of environmental and command-line parameters
  • V2.2.0: Add workaround for paho_mqtt v1/v2 callback incompatibility
  • V2.3.0: Correct "quit" hang; fix toggle font resizing
  • V3.0.0: Add support for HTTP connections to existing MQTT support


Written by David Todd, [email protected], v2.0 2023.02; v2.10.0 2023.04; V2.2.0 2024.07; v3.0.0 2024.08