Hephaes - a multi-tool for finding information and making calculations. Hosted on Arweave network.
- mathematics
- basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, multiplication, roots, logarithms
- trigonometric functions
- calculate derivatives, determinant of a matrix
- books
- find search results by book titles in the OpenLibrary database
- password / random string generator
- generate a password or a random string
- currencies
- convert currencies - for example: USD to EUR, USD to CNY, EUR to JPY
- units of measure
- convert units - convert meters, inches and kilograms to pounds, inches, yards, miles, ounces and feet
- Search engine (redirection to Brave Search)
- search the web using privacy preserving search engine - Brave Search
- Weather
- get the temperature, cloud cover, and rain for the indicated location (city name or geographic coordinate system) - data from open-meteo.com
- Arweave functionality
- get few links to the alternative gateways, for the provided Arweave link
- display link for your file using a working gateway
How to construct an alternative address:
yrgmjqlp5xbetra4o2kdx7n4iy3qagtbet56f4mxmrwfthi4z37a.{gateway address}/xEzEwW_twknEHHaUO_28RjcAGmEk--Lxl2RsWZ0czv4
Other gateways: https://viewblock.io/arweave/gateways
What is Arweave: https://www.arweave.org/
math.js (version 11.9.1) - https://mathjs.org/ Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Jos de Jong [email protected]. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (text of the license in 'docs' folder)
Bootstrap (v5.3.2 ) - https://getbootstrap.com/; (MIT license).
Frankfurter API - https://www.frankfurter.app/ (MIT license)
Open-Meteo API - https://open-meteo.com/ (AGPLv3 license; text in 'docs' folder); API data offered under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
This software is licensed under the MIT license.