Everything about my terminal which boots my productivity as a front end developer!
- spacevim: The ultimate vim configuration
- vimium: the hacker's browser - though not related to terminal.
- Surfingkeys: Expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.
- zsh: my favourite shell.
- on-my-zsh: zsh configuration.
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell-like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- zsh-history-substring-search: history search.
- zsh-vi-mode: A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
- autojump: navigate your filesystem based on learning your preferences.
- colorls: beautiful alternative for ls command, with color and font-awesome icons
- silver search: a code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster
- cloc: blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code counter
- httpie: user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions.
- tldr: simplified MAN page with examples.
- cheat: manage cheat sheet in command line.
- thefuck: magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- googler: google from the terminal
- empty-trash-cli: empty the trash
- taskbook: tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
- fzf: command-line fuzzy finder
- ack: grep substitue
- gtop: system monitoring dashboard for terminal
- htop: interactive process viewer
- glances: interative process viewer, replacement for htop/top.
- brightness-cli: change the screen brightness from terminal.
- ncdu: disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
- mycli: terminal client for MySQL
- prettyping: a wrapper around the standard ping tool, making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read