Everything about my terminal which boots my productivity as a front end developer!
- vimrc: best-to-have hand-in vim config.
- vimium: the hacker's browser - though not related to terminal.
- autojump: navigate your filesystem based on learning your preferences.
- colorls: beautiful alternative for ls command, with color and font-awesome icons
- httpie: user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions.
- tldr: simplified MAN page with examples.
- cheat: manage cheat sheet in command line.
- thefuck: magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- googler: google from the terminal
- empty-trash-cli: empty the trash
- jq: command-line JSON processor
- gtop: system monitoring dashboard for terminal
- glances: interative process viewer, replacement for htop/top.
- brightness-cli: change the screen brightness from terminal.
- mycli: terminal client for MySQL