这是马夫鱼基于 Kaupenjoe 模组教程写的模组(用于学习我的世界模组和视频制作)
特别鸣谢 Silvigarabis 进行的格式和 VR 插件修订
版本:1.20.4 Fabric
- 能吃的面包剑
- 在雪球里面加入石头(甚至是 TNT)
- 用金子做的一整个西瓜
- 能丢出去并且砍树的斧头
- 射速由手速决定的诸葛连弩,多重射击发射非常多箭
- 可以附魔无限、保护、引雷、爆炸保护的不死图腾
- 对实体使用之后可以把他炸上天的烟花火箭(和鞘翅也有联动)
- 可以舔的剧毒钻石剑
- Apple Vision Pro
- 可以附魔无限的食物和桶
- 钓鱼竿的海之厌恶附魔、冰霜行者、火焰附加(可以在岩浆里钓鱼)、力量
- 钻石镐的无限附魔
- 还有更多……
This is a mod written by Mafuyu based on the Kaupenjoe module tutorial (used for learning Minecraft mods and video production)
Special thanks to Silvigarabis for formatting and VR plugin revisions
Version: 1.20.4 Fabric
Current content includes:
- Edible Bread Sword
- Add rocks (or even TNT) to the snowball
- A whole watermelon made of gold
- An ax that can be thrown and chop down trees
- The shooting speed of the Zhuge Liannu is determined by hand speed. Multiple shots can fire a lot of arrows.
- An immortal totem that can be enchanted with infinite, protection, lightning, and explosion protection
- A firework rocket that can blow it up into the sky after being used on an entity (also linked with elytra)
- A lickable poisonous diamond sword
- Apple Vision Pro
- Unlimited food and barrels can be enchanted
- Fishing rod’s Sea Disgust enchantment, Frost Walker, Fire Addition (can fish in lava), Strength
- Infinite enchantment of diamond pickaxe
- And More...
Welcome to follow my Bilibili account "马夫鱼33". The video shows the detailed usage.
MafishMod © 2024 by Mafuyu33 is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/