- Requirements Gathering
- Features Listing
- Models Listing
- Fields Listing
- Create Project (django-admin startproject ecommerce)
- Create App (python manage.py startapp shop)
- Write Models
- Add app in settings.py
- Register app in admin
- Add media information for uploads in settings.py and urls.py
- Create migrations (python manage.py makemigrations shop)
- Migrate (python manage.py migrate)
- Add meta in models
- Create urls for frontend
- Write views
- Create templates
- Create static folders and files
- Bootstrap template setup
- Home page and detail page design
- Work for signup and login
- Review and forms
- Other remaining features
- Finalizing project
- git clone https://github.com/hereshem/django-ecommerce
- cd django-ecommerce
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py runserver
- Admin adds the category and products
- Browses all the products and categories
- User can signup and login
- User can add review for the product
- Search all the products using filters
- Add products in cart
- User can checkout product
- name
- slug
- image
- description
- featured
- active
- name
- slug
- image
- brand
- shipping
- description
- price
- category
- featured
- active
- created
- modified
- product
- user
- rate
- review
- created
- username
- password