An aspiring Backend Developer. I like to work with Java, MySQL, Hibernate, SpringBoot, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I am currently enrolled in a web-development bootcamp at Masai School.
I was an mechanical engineer but always had an inclination for coding, so after completing my engineering I got into development. Initially I learnt some Front End concepts but later shifted completely to Back-End Development. Now I am on a path to learn more about backend engineering and building projects. Also looking forward to work for an organisation where I can contribute with my skills and also be an integral part in its growth.
📫 How to reach me: You can email me @[email protected] or simply press one of the icons below.
Other Stats:
I like to solve DSA problems on some platforms whenever I get some time. Also I have a 5 star in Java,SQL and 4 star in problem solving in HackerRank
Languages and Tools:
Thanks for github-readme-stats Anurag Hazra.