2.配置 这个值可以配置多个,配置多个就是集群方式。由于并未提供本地文件的同步,所以,在store.mode=file模式下,这种集群方式的配置会报错,如果配置为集群,store.mode=db,这样可以通过db来共享TC集群间的数据。
3.作用 当 registry.type=file时,这个default.grouplist才会用到,但是file方式,并不能提供一个注册中心的完整功能,比如健康检查机制,实例列表的更新剔出等,注册中心还是要使用专业的比较好,比如现在已经支持的nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa。
registry.type=file 或 config.type=file 设计的初衷,是让用户在不依赖第三方注册中心或配置中心的前提下,可以通过file这种简单的直连快速验证 Seata 服务,快速上手。
Samples for Seata. This project contains several sub-projects, each of which is an example of integration with other projects.
- Seata - The Seata core project
- dubbo - Integration example of Seata and Apache Dubbo
- springboot - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot
- nacos - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and Alibaba Nacos
- springboot-dubbo-seata - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and Spring Boot
- nutzboot-dubbo-seata - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and NutzBoot
- springcloud-jpa-seata - Integration example of Seata and Spring Cloud and JPA
- spring-boot-multiple-datasource - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot with multiple datasource and MyBatis
- springboot-mybatis - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot and Mybatis
- api - Non-Spring environment uses api to build Seata distributed transactions
- spring-boot-multiple-datasource-mybatis-plus - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot with multiple datasource and MyBatisPlus
- springcloud-nacos-seata - Integration example of Seata and Spring Cloud and Alibaba Nacos
- saga - Saga mode distributed transaction demo projects