LeetCode LeetCode C++ Solutions (Notes: "♥" means you need buy a book from Leetcode) Title Solution Add Date Difficulty Fraction to Recurring Decimal C++ 2014/12/16 Medium Compare Version Numbers C++ 2014/12/15 Easy Maximum Gap C++ 2014/12/13 Hard Missing Ranges ♥ C++ 2014/12/09 Medium Find Peak Element C++ 2014/12/04 Medium One Edit Distance♥ C++ 2014/11/30 Medium Intersection of Two Linked Lists C++ 2014/11/27 Easy Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters ♥ C++ 2014/11/25 Hard Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times ♥ C++ 2014/11/23 Hard Read N Characters Given Read4 ♥ C++ 2014/11/19 Easy Binary Tree Upside Down ♥ C++ 2014/11/16 Medium Min Stack C++ 2014/11/09 Easy Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ 2014/10/20 Hard Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++ 2014/10/15 Medium Maximum Product Subarray C++ 2014/9/23 Medium Reverse Words in a String C++ 2014/3/5 Medium Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation C++ 2013/11/27 Medium Max Points on a Line C++ 2013/11/22 Hard Sort List C++ 2013/11/16 Medium Insertion Sort List C++ 2013/11/12 Medium LRU Cache C++ 2013/11/9 Hard Binary Tree Postorder Traversal C++ 2013/11/7 Hard Binary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ 2013/11/5 Medium Reorder List C++ 2013/11/2 Medium Linked List Cycle II C++ 2013/10/30 Medium Linked List Cycle C++ 2013/10/28 Medium Word Break II C++ 2013/10/5 Hard Word Break C++ 2013/10/4 Medium Copy List with Random Pointer C++ 2013/10/3 Hard Single Number II C++ 2013/10/2 Medium Single Number C++ 2013/10/1 Medium Candy C++ 2013/9/30 Hard Gas Station C++ 2013/9/28 Medium Clone Graph C++ 2013/9/24 Medium Palindrome Partitioning II C++ 2013/2/28 Hard Palindrome Partitioning C++ 2013/2/27 Medium Surrounded Regions C++ 2013/2/21 Medium Sum Root to Leaf Numbers C++ 2013/2/18 Medium Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ 2013/2/13 Hard Word Ladder II C++ 2013/2/10 Hard Word Ladder C++ 2013/2/10 Medium Valid Palindrome C++ 2013/1/12 Easy Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ 2012/11/7 Hard Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III C++ 2012/11/6 Hard Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II C++ 2012/10/30 Medium Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++ 2012/10/30 Medium Triangle C++ 2012/10/29 Medium Pascal's Triangle II C++ 2012/10/28 Easy Pascal's Triangle C++ 2012/10/28 Easy Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II C++ 2012/10/28 Hard Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node C++ 2012/10/28 Medium Distinct Subsequences C++ 2012/10/18 Hard Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List C++ 2012/10/14 Medium Path Sum II C++ 2012/10/14 Medium Path Sum C++ 2012/10/13 Easy Minimum Depth of Binary Tree C++ 2012/10/9 Easy Balanced Binary Tree C++ 2012/10/8 Easy Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree C++ 2012/10/2 Medium Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree C++ 2012/10/2 Medium Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II C++ 2012/10/1 Easy Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal C++ 2012/9/30 Medium Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ 2012/9/30 Medium Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C++ 2012/9/29 Easy Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal C++ 2012/9/28 Medium Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ 2012/9/28 Easy Symmetric Tree C++ 2012/9/23 Easy Same Tree C++ 2012/9/3 Easy Recover Binary Search Tree C++ 2012/9/1 Hard Validate Binary Search Tree C++ 2012/8/31 Medium Interleaving String C++ 2012/8/30 Hard Unique Binary Search Trees II C++ 2012/8/27 Medium Unique Binary Search Trees C++ 2012/8/27 Medium Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ 2012/8/27 Medium Restore IP Addresses C++ 2012/8/7 Medium Reverse Linked List II C++ 2012/6/27 Medium Subsets II C++ 2012/6/25 Medium Decode Ways C++ 2012/6/25 Medium Gray Code C++ 2012/5/20 Medium Merge Sorted Array C++ 2012/5/20 Easy Scramble String C++ 2012/4/30 Hard Partition List C++ 2012/4/30 Medium Maximal Rectangle C++ 2012/4/23 Hard Largest Rectangle in Histogram C++ 2012/4/22 Hard Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II C++ 2012/4/22 Medium Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C++ 2012/4/22 Easy Search in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ 2012/4/19 Medium Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II C++ 2012/4/19 Medium Word Search C++ 2012/4/18 Medium Subsets C++ 2012/4/18 Medium Combinations C++ 2012/4/18 Medium Minimum Window Substring C++ 2012/4/15 Hard Sort Colors C++ 2012/4/8 Medium Search a 2D Matrix C++ 2012/4/6 Medium Set Matrix Zeroes C++ 2012/4/5 Medium Edit Distance C++ 2012/4/4 Hard Simplify Path C++ 2012/4/3 Medium Climbing Stairs C++ 2012/4/3 Easy Sqrt(x) C++ 2012/4/3 Medium Text Justification C++ 2012/4/3 Hard Plus One C++ 2012/4/2 Easy Valid Number C++ 2012/4/2 Easy Add Binary C++ 2012/4/2 Easy Merge Two Sorted Lists C++ 2012/3/30 Easy Minimum Path Sum C++ 2012/3/28 Medium Unique Paths II C++ 2012/3/28 Medium Unique Paths C++ 2012/3/28 Medium Rotate List C++ 2012/3/27 Medium Permutation Sequence C++ 2012/3/27 Medium Spiral Matrix II C++ 2012/3/27 Medium Length of Last Word C++ 2012/3/27 Easy Insert Interval C++ 2012/3/27 Hard Merge Intervals C++ 2012/3/26 Hard Jump Game C++ 2012/3/24 Medium Spiral Matrix C++ 2012/3/24 Medium Maximum Subarray C++ 2012/3/21 Medium N-Queens II C++ 2012/3/20 Hard N-Queens C++ 2012/3/19 Hard "Pow(x, n)" C++ 2012/3/19 Medium Anagrams C++ 2012/3/19 Medium Rotate Image C++ 2012/3/17 Medium Permutations II C++ 2012/3/16 Hard Permutations C++ 2012/3/16 Medium Jump Game II C++ 2012/3/16 Hard Wildcard Matching C++ 2012/3/15 Hard Multiply Strings C++ 2012/3/12 Medium Trapping Rain Water C++ 2012/3/10 Hard First Missing Positive C++ 2012/3/8 Hard Combination Sum II C++ 2012/3/6 Medium Combination Sum C++ 2012/3/6 Medium Count and Say C++ 2012/3/5 Easy Sudoku Solver C++ 2012/3/4 Hard Valid Sudoku C++ 2012/3/3 Easy Search Insert Position C++ 2012/3/3 Medium Search for a Range C++ 2012/3/2 Medium Search in Rotated Sorted Array C++ 2012/3/2 Hard Longest Valid Parentheses C++ 2012/2/29 Hard Next Permutation C++ 2012/2/25 Medium Substring with Concatenation of All Words C++ 2012/2/23 Hard Divide Two Integers C++ 2012/2/18 Medium Implement strStr() C++ 2012/2/18 Easy Remove Element C++ 2012/2/16 Easy Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C++ 2012/2/16 Easy Reverse Nodes in k-Group C++ 2012/2/15 Hard Swap Nodes in Pairs C++ 2012/2/14 Medium Merge k Sorted Lists C++ 2012/2/13 Hard Generate Parentheses C++ 2012/2/12 Medium Valid Parentheses C++ 2012/1/30 Easy Remove Nth Node From End of List C++ 2012/1/27 Easy Letter Combinations of a Phone Number C++ 2012/1/26 Medium 4Sum C++ 2012/1/26 Medium 3Sum Closest C++ 2012/1/18 Medium 3Sum C++ 2012/1/17 Medium Longest Common Prefix C++ 2012/1/17 Easy Roman to Integer C++ 2012/1/15 Easy Integer to Roman C++ 2012/1/15 Medium Container With Most Water C++ 2012/1/8 Medium Regular Expression Matching C++ 2012/1/8 Hard Palindrome Number C++ 2012/1/4 Easy String to Integer (atoi) C++ 2011/12/26 Easy Reverse Integer C++ 2011/12/25 Easy ZigZag Conversion C++ 2011/12/5 Easy Longest Palindromic Substring C++ 2011/11/11 Medium Add Two Numbers C++ 2011/11/1 Medium Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ 2011/5/15 Medium Median of Two Sorted Arrays C++ 2011/3/27 Hard Two Sum C++ 2011/3/13 Medium