A simple library to help developers run lua code in-game.
LuaDev is now shipped with SocketDev extension. You'll need luasocket installed for this to work. It allows you to execute lua code on various destinations using your text editor. Currently there are some size limitations, but it will be fixed soon™.
<filename.lua>- Run on self the file when its timestamp changes.
<filename.lua>- Run on server and all clients.
<filename.lua>- Run on a single client
<client> <filename.lua>- Run on a single client
<filename.lua>- Run on server
<filename.lua>- lua_openscript_cl through luadev
<part of name/steamid/userid> <code>lua_run_clients
Extra commands exist (lua_send_ent for direct entity code ending), unfinished.
(Desc is the string to identify errors)
Parameter extra
is subject to change. It can essentially hold extra information to transfer with the code.
- There is no player autocomplete yet
- Embeds your steamid on errors. Does not prevent changing it though.
- Only checks if you are superadmin. Be careful who you let to use this. There is a hook for luadev access check for override.
- No GUI, use Sublime-LuaDev for example
0-9- Console debug printing
- CapsAdmin
- Noiwex
- Lixquid
- Python1320
- PotcFdk
- Morten
- Garry
- Meta Construct
- Sublime support
- Atom support
- Visual Studio Code support (wip)
- GMod error console
- Easylua for code augmentation (outdated)