This is a simple package to provide turkmen language support for flutter_localizations. Since flutter currently does not support turkmen language you cannot just simply start providing localizations for your own widgets. This package is needed to provide default translations for default widgets and not waste time creating it or copy pasting translations files for each project.
Currently package exports a few static fuctions for different use cases but tipically you need just one.
To start using this package first add it to pubspec.yaml file as a dependency.
If we assume that AppLocalizations class is a generated class of translations for user defined widget then to add all localizations could be done in one line with static join all method. It requires a List of user provided delegates which can be empty.
localizationsDelegates: TurkmenLocalizations.joinAll([AppLocalizations.delegate]),
To add user defined translation separate from other delegates allDeleages field is a good choice to import turkmen and other default translations in one go.
localizationsDelegates: [
If each delegate needs to be included separately then delegates field could be used to include just turkmen delegates separately from others.
localizationsDelegates: [
Most translations were kindly provided by @erknvl - Erkin Ovlyagulyyev.
If you find some errors or have ideas about improving you can send a PR to the github repository.