Prototype to evaluate abstract interpretation and bounded model checking integration
- Git clone or direct download pycparser version that can handle comments from: []
- Download and compile latest version of Pagai from: []
- Install clang, a prerequisite to perform abstract interpretation analysis with Pagai.
- Install CBMC 5.1 []
- Donwload version 1.0 from Lazy-CSeq []
- Ensure sed script interpreter is installed to perform filtering of non valid C parsing characters.
- Ensure running version of python is 2.x and not 3.x
- Update scripts to set the correct paths where pagai and pycparser from barel where installed, for example:
- parserpath = '../path/to/pycparser/directory'
- pagaipath = '../path/to/pagai/binary/directory/pagai'
*.bc – Represents the intermediate representation (IR) on binary format required as input for PAGAI.
*_anno.c –Represents the annotated C file with invariants generated.
*_pyc.c – Represents the input C file required for correct parsing with pycparser.
*_assume.c – Represents the input C file injected with “assume” statements.
*_cbmc.c – Represents the input C file re-transformed with original dependencies to be verified by CBMC.
*_cex – File with CBMC counterexample from verification, or logging of successful validation.
*_.stderr – File with the stderr output from a command execution e.g. pagai, cbmc, clang.