Pumpkin Dog's Graveyard Adventure is a 2D platformer game where your goal is to collect all the pumpkins at the graveyard while avoiding the ghosts. It was inspired by my all-time favourite game, Monster Bash.
You can download the game from Itch. Start the game by opening the Pumpkin Dog's Graveyard Adventure.exe file. Don't move the .exe file from the folder - there are hidden files included in the folder that are required for the .exe file to work.
- Press any key to continue on to the game or press ESC to quit.
- Move left and right with the arrow keys, jump with the space bar.
- Collect all the pumpkins! You get one point from each pumpkin.
- Avoid the ghosts: you lose a point every time you hit one.
- If you collect all the pumpkins in under 50 seconds, you get a time bonus!
Heta Björklund
- GitHub: https://github.com/hetabjorklund
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heta-bjorklund
Made with Unity.
Thank you to all the friends and family who test-played the game: Elina, Laura, Sara, Tuomo, Anna, Saara, Kerttu, Inkeri, Dad, Tiina & Einar.
Pixel Art Platformer - Village Props by Cainos.
Husky sprites by Hellkipz and Shepardskin.
Background music: Foggy Forest.
Ghost sound: cut from UFO Takeoff by Sonidor.
Pumpkin sound: Apple Bite by Simon Craggs.