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Hey 👋, I'm Hritik Jaiswal 👨‍💻

😃 Technical member of Team KJSCE Robocon

👨‍🎓 B.Tech in information technology from the K.J Somaiya college of engineering

About me 👀

  • 🎯 Full stack development | Machine learning | Deep learning | Computer vision | Matlab simulation
  • ❤️ Open source contributor at GSSOC'20
  • ✍️ Writing blogs on Medium and solving bugs in StackOverflow
  • 📧 Ask me about anything ; [email protected]

Hritik's github stats

Languages and Tools 💻

Python Java C++ C Tensorflow

JavaScript TypeScript Dart Keras

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap React Flutter

Nodejs Docker PostgreSQL MySQL

Git GitLab GitHub

Reach out to me 👓

Hritik Jaiswal

hritik5102/hritik5102 is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its (this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Tokyo .

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