Table of Contents
SW-inder was developed during our time with the 9/26/22 GA SEI course. This was our first major Django and Python app. Also, this was the first time that we worked in teams on a project. It consumes the Star Wars API for the matches page!
Have at least 2 data entities (data resources) in addition to the User Model
Implement basic authorization that restricts access to features that need a logged in user in order to work (typically CUD data operations) by "protecting" those routes from anonymous users
Have full-CRUD data operations
Be styled such that the app looks and feels similar to apps we use on a daily basis
Be deployed online
Original Trello Board Design link:
- Users will arrive at a landing page that offers:
- A chance to log in
- And/or create a new profile
- Once a User logs in, the Dynamic Nav bar will ofer more options:
- A personalized profile with image upload capacibilties and place to add interests
- A way to add interests unique to that user
- A match page that uses the SW-API to displayy characters
- A profile image and name that displays the User's profile page when clicked
- An option to "Log Out"
This site is fully deployed on Heroku's web app.
- Add features to Profile page
- Add more animation and styling
- Add more matching features