A SwiftUI-like framework for creating cross-platform apps in Swift. It uses SwiftGtk as its backend.
This package is still quite a work-in-progress so don't expect it to be very useful or stable yet.
NOTE: SwiftCrossUI does not attempt to replicate SwiftUI's API because SwiftCrossUI is intended to be simpler than SwiftUI. However, many concepts from SwiftUI should still be transferrable.
Here's a simple example app demonstrate how easy it is to get started with SwiftCrossUI:
import SwiftCrossUI
class CounterState: AppState {
@Observed var count = 0
struct CounterApp: App {
let identifier = "dev.stackotter.CounterApp"
let state = CounterState()
let windowProperties = WindowProperties(title: "CounterApp")
var body: some ViewContent {
HStack {
Button("-") { state.count -= 1 }
Text("Count: \(state.count)")
Button("+") { state.count += 1 }
To run this example, run these commands:
git clone https://github.com/stackotter/swift-cross-ui
cd swift-cross-ui
swift run CounterExample
To see all of the examples, run these commands:
swift run CounterExample
swift run RandomNumberGeneratorExample
swift run WindowPropertiesExample
Here's the documentation site. Keep in mind that the project is still very much a work-in-progress, proper documentation and tutorials will be created once the project has matured a bit, because otherwise I have to spend too much time keeping the documentation up-to-date.
- Swift 5.5 or higher
- Gtk+ 3
- clang (only required on Linux)
Install Gtk+ 3 using homebrew or the package manager of your choice.
brew install gtk+3
Install Gtk+3 and Clang using apt or the package manager of your choice.
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev clang
Just add SwiftCrossUI as a dependency in your Package.swift
. See below for an example package manifest:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Example",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/stackotter/swift-cross-ui", .branch("main"))
targets: [
name: "Example",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwiftCrossUI", package: "swift-cross-ui")