This is a transportation web application.
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This is a transportation web application. It was created to Transportes Dem company, this company offers private transportation services to their customers.
Customers can request their private transportation in this web application, at the same time that Transportes Dem manages their operation.
We built this web application with love ❤ and the following technologies 💻 :
- Javascript
- TailwindCSS
- ReactJs
- Firebase Hosting
- NodeJS
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Google Cloud Platform
Thanks for your visit! 👍
It is a shame for me 😳 , but I cannot share the source code with you. The reason, this is a private project 🔒 created for Transportes Dem.
Version | Date | Comments |
1.0 | February 2021 | Initial release |
Would you like to see more❓ Please ✨ click here ✨
If you have questions or just need any help, feel free to write to me [email protected]
💜 Thanks to Transportes Dem for allowing me to participate in this interesting project!