Nice to meet you! I am a full-stack developer and therefore I am able to develop front-end applications that interact with the user and back-end applications that do all the processing of the data sent to the server.
- ⚙️ Main Technologies I work with
💻 Front End
- ✅ React
- ✅ React Native
- ✅ Styled Components
- ✅ Next
- ✅ Sockets
- ✅ Jest
- ✅ React Testing Library
- ✅ Sass
📡 Back End
- ✅ Node
- ✅ Express
- ✅ Nest
- ✅
- ✅ TypeOrm
- ✅ Jest
🔗 General
- ✅ Git
- ✅ GitHub
- ✅ JavaScript
- ✅ TypeScript
🔭 I’m currently working for myself in freelancers projects
💬 Ask me about Full Stack development
📫 How to reach me: Send me a message on [email protected]
💻 See my projects bellow ↴