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SPI library for ESP32 which use DMA buffer to send/receive transactions


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SPI library for ESP32 which use DMA buffer to send/receive transactions


This is the SPI library to send/receive large transaction with DMA. Please use ESP32SPISlave for the simple SPI Slave mode without DMA.


  • support DMA buffer (more than 64 byte transfer is available)
  • support both SPI Master and Slave mode based on ESP32's SPI Master Driver and SPI Slave Driver
  • Master has two ways to send/receive transactions
    • transfer() to send/receive transaction one by one
    • queue() and yield() to send/receive multiple transactions at once (more efficient than transfer() many times)
  • Slave has two ways to receive/send transactions
    • wait() to receive/send transaction one by one
    • queue() and yield() to receive/send multiple transactions at once (more efficient than wait() many times)
  • Various configurations based on driver APIs

Supported ESP32 Version

IDE ESP32 Board Version
Arduino IDE >= 2.0.0
PlatformIO Currently (<= 3.4.0) NOT Supported


  • There is known issue that last 4 bytes are missing if DMA is used with SPI Slave
    • you need to send 4 bytes more to send all required bytes to ESP32 SPI Slave with DMA
  • There is also a known issue that received data is bit shifted depending on the SPI mode
    • Please try SPI mode 0 for this issue
    • But SPI mode 1 or 3 is required based on the official doc
    • Please use this library and SPI modes for your own risk



#include <ESP32DMASPIMaster.h>

ESP32DMASPI::Master master;

static const uint32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
uint8_t* spi_master_tx_buf;
uint8_t* spi_master_rx_buf;

void setup() {
    // to use DMA buffer, use these methods to allocate buffer
    spi_master_tx_buf = master.allocDMABuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
    spi_master_rx_buf = master.allocDMABuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);

    // set buffer data...

    master.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);           // default: SPI_MODE0
    master.setFrequency(4000000);            // default: 8MHz (too fast for bread board...)
    master.setMaxTransferSize(BUFFER_SIZE);  // default: 4092 bytes

    // begin() after setting
    // note: the default pins are different depending on the board
    // please refer to README Section "SPI Buses and SPI Pins" for more details
    master.begin();  // HSPI

void loop() {
    // start and wait to complete transaction
    master.transfer(spi_master_tx_buf, spi_master_rx_buf, BUFFER_SIZE);

    // do something with received data if you want


#include <ESP32DMASPISlave.h>

ESP32DMASPI::Slave slave;

static const uint32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
uint8_t* spi_slave_tx_buf;
uint8_t* spi_slave_rx_buf;

void setup() {
    // to use DMA buffer, use these methods to allocate buffer
    spi_slave_tx_buf = slave.allocDMABuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
    spi_slave_rx_buf = slave.allocDMABuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);

    // set buffer data...

    // slave device configuration

    // begin() after setting
    // note: the default pins are different depending on the board
    // please refer to README Section "SPI Buses and SPI Pins" for more details
    slave.begin();  // HSPI

void loop() {
    // if there is no transaction in queue, add transaction
    if (slave.remained() == 0) {
        slave.queue(spi_slave_rx_buf, spi_slave_tx_buf, BUFFER_SIZE);

    // if transaction has completed from master,
    // available() returns size of results of transaction,
    // and buffer is automatically updated

    while (slave.available()) {
        // do something with received data: spi_slave_rx_buf


SPI Buses and SPI Pins

This library's bool begin(const uint8_t spi_bus = HSPI) function uses HSPI as the default SPI bus as same as SPI library of arduino-esp32 (reference).

The pins for SPI buses are automatically attached as follows. "Default SPI Pins" means the pins defined there are the same as MOSI, MISO, SCK, and SS.

esp32 HSPI 13 12 14 15 No
esp32 VSPI/FSPI 23 19 18 5 Yes
esp32s2 HSPI/FSPI 35 37 36 34 Yes
esp32s3 HSPI/FSPI 11 13 12 10 Yes
esp32c3 HSPI/FSPI 6 5 4 7 Yes

Depending on your board, the default SPI pins are defined in pins_arduino.h. For example, esp32's default SPI pins are found here (MOSI: 23, MISO: 19, SCK: 18, SS: 5). Please refer to arduino-esp32/variants for your board's default SPI pins.

The supported SPI buses are different from the ESP32 chip. Please note that there may be a restriction to use FSPI for your SPI bus. (Note: though arduino-esp32 still uses FSPI and HSPI for all chips (v2.0.11), these are deprecated for the chips after esp32s2)

ESP32 SPI1_HOST(0) 1 SPI2_HOST(1) 2 SPI3_HOST (2) 3
ESP32-S2 SPI2_HOST(1) SPI3_HOST(2) -
ESP32-S3 SPI2_HOST(1) SPI3_HOST(2) -
ESP32-C3 SPI2_HOST(1) SPI2_HOST(1) -



// use SPI with the default pin assignment
bool begin(const uint8_t spi_bus = HSPI);
// use SPI with your own pin assignment
bool begin(const uint8_t spi_bus, const int8_t sck, const int8_t miso, const int8_t mosi, const int8_t ss);
bool end();

// DMA requires the memory allocated with this method
uint8_t* allocDMABuffer(const size_t n);

// execute transaction and wait for transmission one by one
size_t transfer(const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);
size_t transfer(const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
size_t transfer(const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);
size_t transfer(const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
size_t transfer(const uint8_t command_bits, const uint8_t address_bits, const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
size_t transfer(const uint8_t command_bits, const uint8_t address_bits, const uint8_t dummy_bits, const uint32_t flags, const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);

// queueing transaction and execute simultaneously
// wait (blocking) and timeout occurs if queue is full with transaction
// (but designed not to queue transaction more than queue_size, so there is no timeout argument)
bool queue(const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);
bool queue(const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
bool queue(const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);
bool queue(const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
bool queue(const uint8_t command_bits, const uint8_t address_bits, const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
bool queue(const uint8_t command_bits, const uint8_t address_bits, const uint8_t dummy_bits, const uint32_t flags, const uint16_t cmd, const uint64_t addr, const uint8_t* tx_buf, uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);
void yield();

// ===== Main Configurations =====
// set these optional parameters before begin() if you want
void setDataMode(const uint8_t m);  // SPI_MODE0, 1, 2, 3
void setFrequency(const size_t f);  // up to 80 MHz
void setMaxTransferSize(const size_t n);

// ===== Optional Configurations =====
// set these optional parameters before begin() if you want
void setCommandBits(const uint8_t n);           // 0-16
void setAddressBits(const uint8_t n);           // 0-64
void setDummyBits(const uint8_t n);
void setDutyCyclePos(const uint8_t n);          // 128 for 50%
void setSpiMode(const uint8_t m);               // SPI_MODE0, 1, 2, 3
void setCsEnaPostTrans(const uint8_t n);
void setClockSpeedHz(const size_t f);           // up to 80 MHz
void setInputDelayNs(const int n);
void setDeviceFlags(const uint32_t flags);      // OR of SPI_DEVICE_* flags
void setQueueSize(const size_t n);              // default: 3
void setPreCb(const transaction_cb_t pre_cb);
void setPostCb(const transaction_cb_t post_cb);
void setDMAChannel(const uint8_t c);            // default: auto


// use SPI with the default pin assignment
bool begin(const uint8_t spi_bus = HSPI);
// use SPI with your own pin assignment
bool begin(const uint8_t spi_bus, const int8_t sck, const int8_t miso, const int8_t mosi, const int8_t ss);
bool end();

// DMA requires the memory allocated with this method
uint8_t* allocDMABuffer(const size_t s);

// wait for transaction one by one
bool wait(uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);  // no data to master
bool wait(uint8_t* rx_buf, const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);

// queueing transaction
// wait (blocking) and timeout occurs if queue is full with transaction
// (but designed not to queue transaction more than queue_size, so there is no timeout argument)
bool queue(uint8_t* rx_buf, const size_t size);  // no data to master
bool queue(uint8_t* rx_buf, const uint8_t* tx_buf, const size_t size);

// wait until all queued transaction will be done by master
// if yield is finished, all the buffer is updated to latest
void yield();

// transaction result info
size_t available() const;  // size of completed (received) transaction results
size_t remained() const;   // size of queued (not completed) transactions
uint32_t size() const;     // size of the received bytes of the oldest queued transaction result
void pop();                // pop the oldest transaction result

// ===== Main Configurations =====
// set these optional parameters before begin() if you want
void setDataMode(const uint8_t m);
void setMaxTransferSize(const int n);

// ===== Optional Configurations =====
void setSlaveFlags(const uint32_t flags);  // OR of SPI_SLAVE_* flags
void setQueueSize(const int n);
void setSpiMode(const uint8_t m);
void setDMAChannel(const uint8_t c);  // default: auto

Configuration Flags

#define SPI_DEVICE_TXBIT_LSBFIRST  (1<<0)  ///< Transmit command/address/data LSB first instead of the default MSB first
#define SPI_DEVICE_RXBIT_LSBFIRST  (1<<1)  ///< Receive data LSB first instead of the default MSB first
#define SPI_DEVICE_3WIRE           (1<<2)  ///< Use MOSI (=spid) for both sending and receiving data
#define SPI_DEVICE_POSITIVE_CS     (1<<3)  ///< Make CS positive during a transaction instead of negative
#define SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX      (1<<4)  ///< Transmit data before receiving it, instead of simultaneously
#define SPI_DEVICE_CLK_AS_CS       (1<<5)  ///< Output clock on CS line if CS is active
/** There are timing issue when reading at high frequency (the frequency is related to whether iomux pins are used, valid time after slave sees the clock).
  *     - In half-duplex mode, the driver automatically inserts dummy bits before reading phase to fix the timing issue. Set this flag to disable this feature.
  *     - In full-duplex mode, however, the hardware cannot use dummy bits, so there is no way to prevent data being read from getting corrupted.
  *       Set this flag to confirm that you're going to work with output only, or read without dummy bits at your own risk.
#define SPI_DEVICE_NO_DUMMY        (1<<6)
#define SPI_DEVICE_DDRCLK          (1<<7)

#define SPI_SLAVE_TXBIT_LSBFIRST          (1<<0)  ///< Transmit command/address/data LSB first instead of the default MSB first
#define SPI_SLAVE_RXBIT_LSBFIRST          (1<<1)  ///< Receive data LSB first instead of the default MSB first

Restrictions and Known Issues for SPI with DMA Buffer (Help Wanted)

As mentioned above, in short, there are two restrictions/issues for SPI with DMA buffer.

  1. RX buffer and host transfer length should be aligned to 4 bytes (length must be multiples of 4 bytes)
  2. Correct transfer requires SPI mode 1 and 3; otherwise Slave -> Master data corrupt (maybe MSB of the first byte)

To avoid 2nd issue, I set setDutyCyclePos(96) in examples but it's a workaround and not a good solution. In addition, SPI Mode 1 and 3 do not work correctly with the current configuration if esp32-arduino version > 1.0.4. Also, in the example of esp-idf, SPI mode 1 is used... I hope someone sends PR for a better solution (configuration) someday!

Please refer here for more information and configure your slave by yourself.

TODO (PR welcome!!)





  1. SPI bus attached to the flash (can use the same data lines but different SS)

  2. SPI bus normally mapped to pins 12 - 15 on ESP32 but can be matrixed to any pins

  3. SPI bus normally attached to pins 5, 18, 19, and 23 on ESP32 but can be matrixed to any pins


SPI library for ESP32 which use DMA buffer to send/receive transactions







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