- Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9167-1288
- in/hideki-nakajima-339a2975
Radia_MPW Public
Magnetic field simulation by Radia on Mathematica and Python for in-vacuum Undulator/Multipole Wiggler to generate hard X-ray in synchrotron storage ring
U4Opt Public
Optimization of the undulator period in the K vs period with flux vs energy spaces.
xps-excel-macro Public
The VBA codes to be pasted in the personal macro workbook (Personal.xlsb) in Windows Office Excel / macOS Excel 365 Visual Basic Editor (VBE) work with Solver for spectral analysis and curve fittin…
Radia Public
Forked from ochubar/Radia3D Magnetostatics Computer Code
LG4X Public
A graphical user interface of Python lmfit package was developed for standard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) curve fitting analysis. The interface streamlines the fitting procedures for val…
peg Public
Forked from markboots/pegParallel Efficiency of Gratings (PEG): A diffraction grating efficiency calculator for Soft X-ray instruments, capable of exploiting High-Performance Computing resources
clusterid Public
Forked from BrendanSweeny/clusteridA PyQt5 widget that helps identify ions and charged particles in a mass spectrum
physics Public
Forked from kaneod/physics