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fcxv2 fixed pool and flexible pool contracts


  • node >= 12


  • Prepare an account as deployer
# install dependencies

# deploy core
cd contracts/configurable-rights-pool
cp .env.example .env # edit .env
yarn hardhat compile
yarn hardhat deploy --network <network name> # choose bsc or bsctest
yarn hardhat --help # commands

# deploy proxy
cd contracts/bactions-proxy
cp .env.example .env # edit .env
yarn hardhat compile
yarn hardhat deploy --network <network name> # choose bsc or bsctest
yarn hardhat --help # commands

Verify contracts

cd contracts/configurable-rights-pool

yarn hardhat --network bsc etherscan-verify --api-key <BSC_SCAN_API_KEY> --force-license --license GPL-3.0 --solc-input


FCXAccessControl Grant and revoke admin role

  • Source code: contracts/configurable-rights-pool/hardhat/tasks/fcx-acl.ts
  • Make sure you are superadmin (check .env)
cd contracts/configurable-rights-pool

# grant
yarn hardhat --network bsc acl:grant-admin --address <USER_ADDRESS>

# revoke
yarn hardhat --network bsc acl:revoke-admin --address <USER_ADDRESS>

You can also use grantRole and revokeRole on BSCSCAN with role is 0xa49807205ce4d355092ef5a8a18f56e8913cf4a201fbe287825b095693c21775 (keccak256('ADMIN_ROLE'))

Deployment fee

  • gas price: 0.00000001 BNB (10 Gwei)


contract gas BNB
BPoolExtension 2 853 633 0.02853633
BFactory 5 056 914 0.05056914
ConfigurableRightsPoolExtension 2 067 599 0.02067599
BalancerSafeMath 71 933 0.00071933
RightsManager 454 388 0.00454388
SmartPoolManager 3 558 212 0.03558212
CRPFactory 5 337 534 0.05337534
FCXAccessControl 1 090 649 0.01090649
  • total: 0.20490861 BNB


contract gas BNB
BActions 2 849 817 0.02849817
DSProxyFactory 1 610 762 0.01610762
ProxyRegistry 375 983 0.00375983
  • total: 0.04836562 BNB

Redeploy on production (MIN_BALANCE problem)


  • For adding liquidity feature, Balancer's source code requires the minimum amount of token is greater than or equal 10^12. It's ok with 18 decimals, but not ok with 5 decimals. For example, when adding vUSD (5 decimal ERC20), you have to add 10000000 (10^7) vUSD at minimum.
uint256 public constant BONE = 10**18;
uint256 public constant MIN_BALANCE = BONE / 10**6;
/// ...
require(newBalance >= BalancerConstants.MIN_BALANCE, "ERR_MIN_BALANCE");
  • During testing phase, we used 18 decimal ERC20, so we didn't discover it sooner. Sorry for that.


NOTE: This solution is for token with decimal >= 5. The new minimum amount of token is 0.1

  • Update the MIN_BALANCE to 10^4
  • Commit: FIX
uint256 public constant MIN_BALANCE = BONE / 10**14;

How to redeploy

  • Redeploy will cost about 0.2 BNB
  • After redeploy, please resend us the new FCXAccessControl, BFactory and CRPFactory address (at contracts/configurable-rights-pool/deployments/artifacts/bsc)


  • Make sure you keep json files at contracts/configurable-rights-pool/deployments/artifacts/bsc
  • Check the superAdminAddress at contracts/configurable-rights-pool/deployments/migrations/001_fcxacl.ts. On bsc, it is 0x778aa3CFFeBfe436bBfB4f1A25E16d4De9e8a2e7
  • Make sure you are in project root
  • Make sure to use the new FCXAccessControl address when redeploy fcxv2-contracts-hardhat
cd contracts/configurable-rights-pool

yarn hardhat deploy --network bsc
  • output of the script (do not care about the address)
Compilation finished successfully
using FCXAccessControl at 0xFB2b87255Aac30a0B66f75330B428a62351C8A75
deploying "BPoolExtension" (tx: 0x4cee5601ffaf648a9d9038b8bd3d995844d7759139987b1744fee0c0a4907ecb)...: deployed at 0x4EE7536C39ff123C30b00147b35B0ae1eC9D2982 with 2707639 gas
deploying "BFactory" (tx: 0xba79a1c7e2e579d47c8da4d2ebe5641f958b0525ca50308c106ede9fed74a555)...: deployed at 0xB201710D05BCe7917FD31a46317996dD8153C76f with 5056926 gas
using FCXAccessControl at 0xFB2b87255Aac30a0B66f75330B428a62351C8A75
deploying "ConfigurableRightsPoolExtension" (tx: 0x628fd94030e57b4214d85a1ec71397623810b710ca4a91c2057fcecca042f295)...: deployed at 0x39F661c40fEa5c2a2B25DCec5c519BDC68d1b883 with 2067599 gas
deploying "BalancerSafeMath" (tx: 0x76334b884680d6f535a5ea01a960fe0e772abc22dd902e882f74e3dbc29e5cc7)...: deployed at 0xC392440F7c555AdC4d6acf614B342F55F89DaC11 with 71933 gas
reusing "RightsManager" at 0x9Fd5e70828D2157990A7ccB8E7AAe625fAB84de2
deploying "SmartPoolManager" (tx: 0xdc1a6f0899279e6773fd551b73c7a930dc5a4360118ee98bd86fabcefde29bd5)...: deployed at 0xfAc8A9b4989CBe1681F544f142028F97BC6B39b7 with 3557372 gas
deploying "CRPFactory" (tx: 0x45ea7d757bb3606df2ea800aa99b96a2195e2bfcc420dd0ec8517de00f41f995)...: deployed at 0x97975771093b5Ae8a83c2483A53C26F2e2BcAB28 with 5356113 gas
✨  Done in 96.73s.


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