Emulator client warface, wip 25%.
Warface beta russo: version, 1.11500.950.41200
Warface br: version,,,, 1.12300.552.21500, 1.11900.396.25700, 1.12600.570.21500
Varface vietnam: 1.12300.428.18900, 1.12600.450.18900
Lobby, invetory, statistics, career, clans and other things.
1 - Install Node.JS, Redis Server, MongoDB, Node-Webkit(Launcher)
2 - Extract Files in C:/ Disk
3 - Go to Main C:/ and Create past data in data past create db past (data/db)
4 - Start Mongodb (Open cmd and type: cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin after this type node mongod)
5 - Go to Api warface emulator and create you account
6 - Go to Launcher folder and Open past's : Warface\launcher - warface\assets\js and Edit you Login in js file
7 - After this start : Redis server (Click in redis-server)
8 - Now you Need Start Emulator.. Open CMD and Type: cd C:\EMULATOR FOLDER\warface-emulator-xmpp after this type: node xmpp-server
10 - Well, All Working (If you receive messege " Warface Privado! Servidor XMPP iniciado!")
11 - Drag "launcher - warface" Folder to node webkit (nw.exe)
12 - Click in Start WarFaace and Good Luck!!!