A distributed, open source, package manager.
master (linux/osx) | develop (linux/osx) | master (windows) | develop (windows) |
We have installers for most plattforms here but you can run conan from sources if you want
You can run conan client and server in Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
$ git clone https://github.com/conan-io/conan.git
For running the client:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ sudo pip install -r requirements_server.txt
$ sudo pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Make sure that the Python requirements have been installed.
Before you can run the tests, you need to set a few environment variables first.
The appropriate values of CONAN_COMPILER
depend on your operating system and your requirements. These should work
for the GCC from build-essential
on Ubuntu 14.04:
$ export CONAN_COMPILER=gcc
You can run the actual tests like this:
$ nosetests .
About one minute later it should print OK
Ran 146 tests in 50.993s
Conan entry point is "conans.conan.main" module. Fill the absolute path of the cloned repository folder:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
sys.path.append('/home/user/conanco/conan') # EDIT!!
from conans.conan import main
If you are a Windows user, you can name this file "conan.py" and create a file "conan.bat" that calls the python module:
CALL python C:/Users/user/conan.py %*
Then add that 'conan' file to your PATH and you are ready:
$ conan --help
Conan commands. Type $conan "command" -h for help
build calls your project conanfile.py "build" method.
export copies a conanfile.py and associated (export) files to your local store,
install install in the local store the given requirements.
remove Remove any folder from your local/remote store
search show local/remote packages
test build and run your package test. Must have conanfile.py with "test"
upload uploads a conanfile or binary packages from the local store to any remote.
user shows or change the current user