This image is deprecated because Cloudflare provides official arm64 builds now. The repo will be kept alive to allow Renovate's auto-updates to run but no further changes will be made.
Unofficial Docker image containing cloudflared.
By default, prints the version and exits. To do something useful, override the command, for example:
docker run jonoh/cloudflared tunnel run my-tunnel
You can see cloudflared's supported environment variables by running cloudflared [<subcommand>] --help
In addition, these custom environment variables are supported.
If all of them are set (and the command isn't overridden) then the image will execute cloudflared tunnel run
with the configuration specified.
Name | Description |
ACCOUNT_ID | Cloudflare Account ID |
TUNNEL_ID | Tunnel ID |
TUNNEL_NAME | Tunnel Name |
TUNNEL_SECRET | Tunnel Secret |
PUID | User ID for the daemon (see Volumes) |
Mount /config
so that cloudflared's configuration file can be saved.
The daemon runs as a user with id 65532 (like the official image). If this causes permission errors, you can override the uid by setting the PUID environment variable.
Using docker-compose:
image: jonoh/cloudflared
- PUID=1000
- ACCOUNT_ID=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
- TUNNEL_ID=2e7d56f0-d51e-4c14-9330-5707b45d0813
- TUNNEL_NAME=helloworld
- TUNNEL_SECRET=aGVsbG93b3JsZF9oZWxsb3dvcmxkX2hlbGxvd29ybGQK
- TUNNEL_URL=http://some_service:8080
- ./config:/config
Tags mirror the cloudflared version, or you can just use latest
The official builds are only for amd64. There are other unofficial images, however I couldn't find one that was both multi-platform, and which was always kept updated.