This example demonstrates how to:
- set up and configure Scala codegen (see
configuration in the./daml.yaml
) - instantiate a contract and send a corresponding create command to the ledger
- how to exercise a choice and send a corresponding exercise command
- subscribe to receive ledger events and decode them into generated Scala ADTs
All instructions below assume that you have DAML SDK installed. If you have not installed it yet, please follow these instructions:
daml new ./DAML-task-manager-scala DAML-task-manager-scala
This should output:
Created a new project in "./DAML-task-manager-scala" based on the template "DAML-task-manager-scala".
is a project directory name
The DAML code for the IOU example is located in the ./daml
folder. Run the following command to build it:
$ cd ./DAML-task-manager-scala
$ daml build
this should output:
Compiling DAML-task-manager-scala to a DAR.
Created .daml/dist/DAML-task-manager-scala-0.0.1.dar.
$ daml codegen scala
This should generate scala classes in the ./scala-codegen/src/main/scala
directory. See codegen
configuration in the daml.yaml
package-prefix: com.knoldus.example.iou.model
output-directory: scala-codegen/src/main/scala
verbosity: 2
This examples requires a running sandbox. To start it, run the following command:
$ daml sandbox ./.daml/dist/DAML-task-manager-scala-0.0.1.dar
where ./.daml/dist/DAML-task-manager-scala-0.0.1.dar
is the DAR file created in the previous step.
Run the following command from the DAML-task-manager-scala
$ sbt "application/runMain com.knoldus.example.iou.TaskManagerMain localhost 6865"
If example completes successfully, the above process should terminate and the output should look like this:
<Sent and received messages>
11:54:03.865 [run-main-0] INFO - Shutting down...
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed Sep 12, 2019, 11:54:04 AM