A useful boilerplate that uses Vagrant and Puppet to setup your development server and create your Django 1.6 project. You'll have a development environment up and running in no time.
- Debian 7.4
- Nginx
- Python 2.7
- Virtualenv
- Django 1.6.2
- django-celery
- django-compressor
- django-debug-toolbar
- Fabric
- South
- psycopg2
- Gunicorn
- Postgresql 9.3
- Supervisor
- you can fork the repository and use it as your project repo, clone it or just download the zip and unpack it in your existing project.
- change the settings from data/config.yaml to customize your app. Create a folder for the synced_folder option. We use src as default, but you can customize it as you wish. It doesn't even have to be in the current directory.
- start your virtual machine:
$ vagrant up
- go get a coffee and wait until the VM is up and provisioned
- after the provision process is done you will have the Django project created in you synced_folder based on hipwerk/django-skel repository
- edit the DB connection params from the Django settings
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /path/to/your/django/app
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py collectstatic
- now you just have to add a new line in your hosts file to map the configured virtual host and IP address
- that's it!