The React (Native) Image viewer. The API is simple, and it runs natively.
- Shared element transitions
- Pinch to zoom
- Double tap to zoom
- Pan to close
- Multi-image support
- Modal support
- FlashList support
- Clean API
- Web support (beta as of 0.5.0 - feedback welcome!)
- Remote URLs & local images
Galeria is in beta...🚧 A true release is coming soon.
import { Galeria } from '@nandorojo/galeria'
import { Image } from 'react-native' // works with ANY image component!
const url = 'https://my-image.com/image.jpg'
export const SingleImage = ({ style }) => (
<Galeria urls={[url]}>
<Image source={{ uri: url }} style={style} />
Simply pass an array to urls
import { Galeria } from '@nandorojo/galeria'
import { Image } from 'react-native' // works with ANY image component!
import localImage from './assets/local-image.png'
const urls = ['https://my-image.com/image.jpg', localImage]
export const MutliImage = ({ style }) => (
<Galeria urls={urls}>
{urls.map((url, index) => (
<Galeria.Image index={index} key={...}>
<Image source={typeof url === 'string' ? { uri: url } : url} style={style} />
import { Galeria } from '@nandorojo/galeria'
export const DarkMode = () => (
<Galeria urls={urls} theme="dark">
import { Galeria } from '@nandorojo/galeria'
import { Image, type ImageAssetSource } from 'react-native' // works with ANY image component!
import { FlashList } from '@shopify/flash-list'
import localImage from './assets/local-image.png'
const urls = ['https://my-image.com/image.jpg', localImage]
export const FlashListSupport = () => {
return (
<Galeria urls={urls}>
renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
// you should put this in a memoized component
return (
<Galeria.Image index={index}>
recyclingKey={item + index}
keyExtractor={(item, i) => item + i}
const src = (s) => (typeof s === 'string' ? { uri: s } : s) // 🤷♂️
- Under the hood, Galeria uses native libraries on iOS and Android.
- On Web, Galeria uses Framer Motion.
- Thanks to Michael Henry for the iOS Image Viewer
- Thanks to iielse for the Android Image Viewer
- Thanks to Alan for building the Android integration.
This software is free to use for apps or libraries of any size. However, I ask that you don't re-sell it or represent it as yours. If you fork it and make it public, please give credit back to the original GitHub repository.
Consider this the MIT license – just be considerate.