perform 3D object detection base on Yolov5 and 3DDeepbox. To transform to SNPE, change partial layers of yolov5, such as change nn.Upsample to nn.ConvTranspose2d, and adjust Focus module in yolov5.
Applying kitt dataset. Place kitti_dev sub contents to datasets/data/kitti/ of this project.
Please place it as following:
---k_*.npy // list K of camera. * -> (train or test)
---label_*.npy // list label. * -> (train or test)
---shape_*.npy // list size of images. * -> (train or test)
---train.txt // list of training image.
---test.txt // list of testing image.
---calib_cam_to_cam.txt // camera calibration file for kitti
python --data ./datasets/configs/kitti.yaml --cfg models/configs/yolo3d_5m.yaml --weights ./weights/ --batch-size 64 --epochs 2000 --is-rect --is-mosaic --multi-scale --resume
python --weights ./weights/ --device cpu --is-rect
python --weights ./weights/ --img-size 224 640 --batch-size 1
We provide a set of trained models available for download in the Pretrained Model. 提取码: tpqg
yolov5. 3D-BoundingBox.