PHP Library for decoding and encoding BitTorrent BEncoded data.
Bencode (pronounced like B encode) is the encoding used by the peer-to-peer file sharing system BitTorrent for storing and transmitting loosely structured data.
It supports four different types of values:
- byte strings,
- integers,
- lists, and
- dictionaries (associative arrays).
Bencoding is most commonly used in torrent files. These metadata files are simply bencoded dictionaries.
While less efficient than a pure binary encoding, bencoding is simple and (because numbers are encoded as text in decimal notation) is unaffected by endianness, which is important for a cross-platform application like BitTorrent. It is also fairly flexible, as long as applications ignore unexpected dictionary keys, so that new ones can be added without creating incompatibilities.
Apache or Nginx = Latest production version
PHP >= 5.3.0
Add this package in your composer.json and update composer.
"require": {
"bhutanio/torrent-bencode": "dev-master"
Update Composer
composer update
or php composer.phar update
###With Composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$bcoder = new Bhutanio\BEncode;
'comment'=>'Downloaded from Private Tracker',
'created_by'=>'PrivateTracker v1.0'
// decode Torrent file
$torrent = $bcoder->bdecode( File::get('AwesomeMovie.torrent'));
// show Torrent contents
$files = $bcoder->filelist( $torrent );
// make Torrent private
$torrent = $bcoder->make_private($torrent);
$infohash = sha1($bcoder->bencode($torrent["info"]));
$binhash = pack("H*", $bcoder->bencode($torrent["info"])));
###Without Composer
require 'path/to/BEncode.php';
// use above example
* Data Setter
* @param array $data [array of public variables]
* eg:
* $bcoder = new \Bhutanio\BEncode;
* $bcoder->set([
* 'announce'=>'',
* 'comment'=>'Downloaded from',
* 'created_by'=>'TorrentSite v1.0'
* ]);
public function set($data=array()) {}
* Decode a torrent file into Bencoded data
* @param string $s [link to torrent file]
* @param integer $pos [file position pointer]
* @return array/null [Array of Bencoded data]
* eg:
* $bcoder = new \Bhutanio\BEncode;
* $torrent = $bcoder->bdecode( File::get('MyAwesomeTorrent.torrent'));
* var_dump($torrent);
public function bdecode($s, &$pos=0) {}
* Created Torrent file from Bencoded data
* @param array $d [array data of a decoded torrent file]
* @return string [data can be downloaded as torrent]
public function bencode(&$d) {}
* Decode a torrent file into Bencoded data
* @param string $filename [File Path]
* @return array/null [Array of Bencoded data]
public function bdecode_file($filename) {}
* Generate list of files in a torrent
* @param array $data [array data of a decoded torrent file]
* @return array [list of files in an array]
public function filelist($data) {}
* Replace array data on Decoded torrent data so that it can be bencoded into a private torrent file.
* Provide the custom data using $this->set();
* @param array $data [array data of a decoded torrent file]
* @return array [array data for torrent file]
public function make_private($data) {}