A Python script that will turn an image into a simplified image of Minecraft carpet colours.
I built this script in 3 hour at 10pm so it's really not optimized.
What the script is doing:
Storing the RGB values of every pixel inside an image onto a list
Comparing each pixel to each colour of carpet (You can find the dictionary of each colour inside the main script)
You can get the similarity level using this algorithm: sqrt((r2-r1)^2+(g2-g1)^2+(b2-b1)^2)
The lower the number is, the closer the 2 RGB values are.
It then gets the most similar RGB value and then saves it to a new list (pix_as_carpet
It then creates a new PIL image with the same dimensions as the original image, and then reapplies all the colours, except with the colours in pix_as_carpet