This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for Tibero.
To compile Tibero FDW, you need to ensure the pg_config
executable is in your path when you run make
. This executable is typically in your PostgreSQL installation's bin directory.
Also you need PostgreSQL header files (if your PostgreSQL was installed with packages, install the development package).
## Go to the project home and set environment varibles for Tibero FDW
$ . ./ `pwd`
## Compile the code using make
$ make
## Install Tibero FDW
$ make install
Tibero FDW depends on pgTAP as a testing framework. To test Tibero FDW, you need pgTAP installed on local PostgreSQL server, and a running remote Tibero Database server with access privilege to its system catalog.
- Install pgTAP and Its Dependencies
## Install Perl parser library for pgTAP
$ cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP
## Clone source repository
$ git clone
$ make
$ make install
$ make installcheck
- Install pyodbc dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install unixodbc
$ python -m pip install -r $TBFDW_HOME/tests/requirements.txt
- Run Tests
In order to run tests, copy tests/ to tests/tbfdw_test.conf and fill in the parameter values of tests/tbfdw_test.conf. Now, On a project root directory, run below command to execute all test cases.
$ make test
To run specific test cases only, run below command to see the options
$ tbfdw_test --help