- This is an unfinished project, but it should be in working order for the most part.
- You can access the animation and import menus by moving your mouse to the left or right of the panel that contains the options.
- Holding CTRL and left or right clicking on a pixel in the canvas will copy that pixels colour to primary or secondary active colour.
- Holding ALT and left clicking on a pixel will delete it. (Turn it transparent)
All files are stored in %appdata%. To access this simply type "%appdata%" without the quotes into your start bar search. (Windows).
- Exported files are located at: "%appdata%/LOVE/SuperSprite/export"
- Files you wish to import must be placed in: "%appdata%/LOVE/SuperSprite/import"
In the applications current state only supports importing frames that are 16x16. If you don't follow this the application WILL crash.
- Switch option pages (Q,W,E,R)
- Toggle Onion Skin (O)
- Toggle Grid (G)
- Rotate Symmetry Options (S)
- Next Frame (Right Arrow key)
- Prev Frame (Left Arrow key)
- Go to First Frame (LCTRL + Left Arrow Key)
- Go to Last Frame (LCTRL + Right Arrow Key)
- Add Frame at End (Return Key or Keypad Enter)
- Add Frame at After current (LCTRL + Return Key or Keypad Enter)
-With the Animation tab open hold LCTRL for additional options.