There is an issue when adding multiple players & serving with tea
please continue to use node/vscode live server until the tea bug is fixed.
node server.js
vscode live server > index.html
Install tea:
sh <(curl
Note: If you do not wish to install tea you can replace sh <(curl
for every instance of tea
below. If tea is already installed, it uses it. If tea is not installed, then a temporary sandbox is created.
Navigate to the game directory:
cd tea-game
Install npm package dependencies:
tea -X npm install websocket pixi-text-input -webrtc-adapter
Start signaling server:
tea scripts/server.js
In another terminal start the game:
tea -X npx --yes browser-sync start --server
Note: WSL2 users should execute the script from their wsl terminal before starting the signaling server. This shell script will automate changing the hostname in client.mjs to your wsl terminal ip address.