acts-as-i18n-ui Public
Rails plugin for I18n administration panel
android-oss Public
Forked from kickstarter/android-ossKickstarter for Android. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2016 -
creek Public
Forked from andykent/creekConfigurable streaming aggregator
deutsch Public
Forked from durran/deutschGerman Flash Cards (Mental Case 2 Archive)
1 UpdatedJul 30, 2012 -
Elasticsearch-Exporter Public
Forked from mallocator/Elasticsearch-ExporterA small script to export data from one Elasticsearch cluster into another.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 7, 2014 -
es-export Public
Export elasticsearch from one cluster to another
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2014 -
frontend Public
Forked from guardian/frontendSource for the Guardian's responsive site, coming soon to a desktop near you...
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 13, 2013 -
ios-oss Public
Forked from kickstarter/ios-ossKickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2016 -
mongoid-sphinx Public
Forked from burke/mongosphinxA full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx and Mongoid
neo4j Public
Forked from neo4jrb/activegraphA Graph Database for JRuby. It uses the java lib neo4j as storage and lucene for quering/indexing
node-mitm-proxy Public
Node.js Man-in-the-middle http and https proxy
similus Public
A ruby gem to find similar patterns and offer recommendations
SpaceshipGenerator Public
Forked from a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGeneratorA Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2016 -
waveformjs Public
Waveform.js makes drawing SoundCloud waveforms simple and lets you style and color them the way you want it