Welcome to your journey into discovering the magical world of your emails. 😄 If you're here I assume you're interested in email analytics and automations.
🚧 I revisited this project after 2 years and a lot has changed. The new Outlook is a web application utilizing Microsoft Graph which makes the old code base (seen below) obsolete and useless. I'm working on releasing 2 courses here focusing on both versions. I'm planning to add Jupyter Notebook examples where I'll explain more what's going on in the code. 🚧
This will always be the first thing to do when interacting with your Outlook on your computer:
import win32com.client
outlook = win32.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
You can decide which path to take to continue. 1.) The standard path where you choose the default folder.
root_folder = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6)
OR the custom path where you decide and deliberately choose which email address to use. 2.)
root_folder = outlook.Folders(1).Items
messages = root_folder.Folders.Item(1) # this should be the incoming messages folder
You can also you the exact name of the folder. For example: 3.)
root_folder = outlook.Folders('Inbox').Items
Let's take number 2.) because it gives us more control over our script/program.
Looping through folders:
for folder in root_folder.Folders:
FIND MORE DETAILED INFO IN THE WIKI: https://github.com/hornlaszlomark/python_outlook/wiki
... to be continued ... #TODO:
- accessing parts of messages (Sender.Name, SenderEmailAddress, Body, etc.)
- loop through messages
- loop thorugh messages based on certain conditions
- loop through messages and download attachments
- loop through messsages and download certain attachments
- writing and sending email (inserting pictures and attachments)
All of the above is coming soon!