KVS Schema is a library to manage key-value data for Android.
This library generates methods from annotated fields in compile time.
For example, when a schema class has @Key("user_id") String userId
like below,
@Table(name = "example")
public class ExamplePrefsSchema {
@Key("user_id") String userId;
KVS Schema generates accessor methods below.
Values are stored on SharedPreferences through generated class.
Class name should be *Schema
@Table(name = "example")
public class ExamplePrefsSchema {
@Key("user_id") int userId;
@Key("user_name") String userName;
, get*
, has*
and remove*
methods will be generated in compile time.
ExamplePrefs prefs = ExamplePrefs.get(context);
prefs.hasUserName(); // => true
prefs.getUserName(); // => Jack
prefs.hasUserName(); // => false
Initialize method (ExamplePrefs.get) is also generated. It provides singleton instance of Prefs. You can change initialize method of Prefs by specifying builder class.
@Table(name = "example", builder = ExamplePrefsBuilder.class)
See: rejasupotaro#12
kvs-schema supports these types for now.
- boolean
- String
- float
- int
- long
- String set
Table's name becomes SharedPreferences' name.
root@android:/data/data/com.example.android.kvs/shared_prefs # cat example.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="user_id">123</string>
This library is distributed by JitPack. Add dependencies your build.gradle
apt 'com.github.rejasupotaro.kvs-schema:compiler:3.0.0'
compile 'com.github.rejasupotaro.kvs-schema:library:3.0.0'
Even if you have already used SharedPreferences directly, migration is easy. KVS Schema simply maps the structure of SharedPreferences.
For example, if you are using default SharedPreferences like below,
prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString("user_id", "1");
editor.putString("user_name", "rejasupotaro");
your data is saved on path/to/app/shared_prefs/package_name_preferences.xml
. The schema becomes below.
public abstract class ExamplePrefsSchema {
@Key("user_id") int userId;
@Key("user_name") String userName;
See concrete example: konifar/droidkaigi2016#311
In addition, SharedPreferencesInfo may help you to migrate existing app. You can get existing SharedPreferences through SharedPreferencesInfo.getAllPrefsAsTable
List<SharedPreferencesTable> tables = SharedPreferencesInfo.getAll(this);
for (SharedPreferencesTable table : tables) {
Log.d("DEBUG", table.toString());
You can see what kind of data is saved in your app like below.
name: com.example.android.kvs_preferences
path: /data/data/com.example.android.kvs/shared_prefs/com.example.android.kvs_preferences.xml
║ Key │ Value │ Type ║
║ user_name │ rejasupotaro │ String ║
║ user_id │ 1 │ String ║
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