vscode-find-pr Public
A vscode plugin jumps to pull request url.
Android-Rate Public
Android-Rate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
android-beacon-library Public
Forked from AltBeacon/android-beacon-libraryAllows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons
Scre Public
A lightweight screen recorder macOS application written in SwiftUI.
compose-jb Public
Forked from JetBrains/compose-multiplatformJetpack Compose for Desktop, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 25, 2021 -
awesome-android-testing Public
A curated list of awesome android testing libraries.
khronos Public
An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.
mvns Public
CLI tool to search library in maven central repository
gradle Public
Forked from gradle/gradleAdaptable, fast automation for all
Groovy Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2019 -
awesome-kotlin Public
Forked from Heapy/awesome-kotlinA curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 28, 2019 -
kpt-bot Public
Forked from ohbarye/kpt-botSlack bot to encourage KPT retrospect 💭
JavaScript UpdatedJan 24, 2019 -
rn-placeholder Public
Forked from mfrachet/rn-placeholder💨 💫 ✨ Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2018 -
awesome-react-native Public
Forked from jondot/awesome-react-nativeAwesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
gradle-unused-resources-remover-plugin Public
Forked from konifar/gradle-unused-resources-remover-pluginGradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects.
react-native-apps-jp Public
Forked from react-native-jp/react-native-apps-jpApp list made with React Native in Japan
UpdatedMay 18, 2018 -
react-native-puree Public
Forked from cookpad/react-native-pureeA log collector for React Native
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2018 -
LruCache Public
A tiny memory cache implementation which uses a LRU policy.
droidkaigi2018-flutter Public
Forked from konifar/droidkaigi2018-flutterThe unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo
Dart Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 7, 2018 -
td-ios-sdk Public
Forked from treasure-data/td-ios-sdkiOS SDK for Treasure Data
Objective-C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 13, 2018 -
td-android-sdk Public
Forked from treasure-data/td-android-sdkAndroid SDK for Treasure Data
Java UpdatedJan 13, 2018 -
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Other UpdatedNov 30, 2017