Basic Fit API allowing Booking - Cancelling - Viewing gym time sessions
Disclaimer: Use this script on your own risks.
Package | Version |
Python | 3 |
After installation you'll be able the use the script, below is the most easy way to start the script.
usage: [-club CLUB NAME] [-cardNumber CARD_NUMBER] [-pwd PASSWORD] [-email EMAIL] [-date DATE] [-time TIME] [-cancellAll CANCEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-club CLUB NAME Name of the club , example "Libramont 24/7"
-cardNumber CARD_NUMBER card number
-pwd PASSWORD Password used for your Basic-Fit account
-email EMAIL E-mail used for your Basic-Fit account
-date DATE Date for the reservations (yyyy-mm-dd) or 'D' book for today or 'D+1' book for tomorrow
-time TIME Time for the reservations (hh:mm)
-cancellAll CANCEL True or False - If true cancell all booked sessions
-i INTERVAL Interval in seconds before retrying again