This repo uses python flask based REST-API microservices, redis and dapr runtime to enable publish-subscribe pattern. I have included docker-compose in it to run it as full fledged app in the system including all components.
For more details about this quickstart example please see the Pub-Sub Quickstart documentation.
Visit this link for more information about Dapr and Pub-Sub.
This quickstart includes one publisher:
- Python client message generator
And one subscriber:
- Python subscriber
A docker compose file is created to dockerize the checkout and order processing.
Use below commands to run :-docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Redis is used as message-broker, docker-compose will create all the containers including microservices and redis container.
Send event using postman or by using python script.
Using Postman.
Send below json in body of the message.{ "orderId": "anyorderid" }
Using curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/publish' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "orderId": "testorder12345" }'
Tested with Docker-Desktop's inbuilt kubernetes offering. Enable Kubernetes in the settings of Docker desktop.
Create a namespace in kubernetes cluster using
kubectl create namespace test
Set the namespace as default using
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test
Install Dapr to kubernetes namespace (requires Dapr CLI to be installed in system)
dapr init -k -n test
Above will install all the dependencies of dapr -
Change to directory dapr_python_redis\dapr\kubernetes and then run below command
kubectl apply -f pubsub.yaml -n test
Above command will add the pubsub binding we use for communicating with redis -
Change back to root directory of the repo and run below commands -
kubectl apply -f kubedeploy.yml -n test
Check if all services and pods are up using Lens or with cli using below commands
kubectl get pods -n test kubectl get service -n test
Send event from postman or using curl using same approach as in docker-compose.