Objective: Learn Spring JPA implementation and related concepts using simple Student-Course-Review service exmaple.
- Single & Multiple-DB connections
- Connection-pool using Hikari
- RDBMS & NoSQL DB implementation
- Entities, Column Definitions, Constraints
- One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, Optionality
- Cascading, Joins, Fetching Types
- Embbedable, AttributeOverrides
- Paginated Result, Resutl Sorting
- Native Query, Named Parameter, Named Query
- JPA-Auditing (Created, Modified User & Date)
- CustomColumnOrdering, Hibernate-Properties Overrride
- Here, I have taken the premise of an online institution and how it can manage student & course relationship
- Additionally, there is a feedback module attached to the course, each student can share feedback for 'n' courses they're enrolled into.
details are maintained in Relational-DB while maintainingFeedback
in the NoSQL DB
- Student-Profile
- Combination of Student Details & Student Qualification
- Student Details consists basic details of the student
- Student Qualification consists detials of their marks/distinctions in given STEM subjects
- Student Details <-- Student Qualification are in One-to-One relationship
- Course-Profile
- Combination of Course Details & Course Review
- Course Details consists basic details of the course like name, duration, eligibility, etc.
- Course Review consists of detials like course rating, review message, etc.
- Course Details <-- Course Review are in One-to-Many relationship
- Student Details <-- Course Details themselves are related to each other in One-to-Many relationship