Pre Requisites : Python should be below version 3.8.10
Steps to Run Backend:
- cd .\pycaret_server\
- pip install virtualenv (First Time)
- py -m virtualenv -p="C:\Users.......\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.Exe" venv (First Time / Only if you have a future version of Python installed.)
- python -m venv venv (If Python version is older)
- venv/scripts/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python
Use 'pip freeze > requirements.txt' if there are changes in the packages.
Steps to Run Frontend:
- cd pycaret
- npm i
- npm start
APP Deployed on : (Initial API Hit is a bit slow due to a heavy build in Heroku Backend. But the following loads or reloads work fast.)
API Deploymed on :