✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
My solutions to the labs, homework, and projects auditing the CS61a.
A Collection of Cheatsheets, Books, Questions, and Portfolio For DS/ML Interview Prep
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Python 中文数据结构和算法教程
2018/2019/校招/春招/秋招/自然语言处理(NLP)/深度学习(Deep Learning)/机器学习(Machine Learning)/C/C++/Python/面试笔记,此外,还包括创建者看到的所有机器学习/深度学习面经中的问题。 除了其中 DL/ML 相关的,其他与算法岗相关的计算机知识也会记录。 但是不会包括如前端/测试/JAVA/Android等岗位中有关的问题。
Mini website for testing both general CS knowledge and enforce coding practice and common algorithm/data structure memorization.
耕莘護專 ~ 示範的3D口罩折法(Jash-good-idea-20200304-001)
📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
Answers to 120 commonly asked data science interview questions.
A helpful 5-page machine learning cheatsheet to assist with exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
A repository listing out the potential sources which will help you in preparing for a Data Science/Machine Learning interview. New resources added frequently.
Data science interview questions and answers
CellExplorer is a graphical user interface, a standardized processing module and data structure for exploring and classifying single cells acquired using extracellular electrodes.
Collection of Summer 2025 tech internships!
Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices
Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more!
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
[This repository is archived, will be deprecated after the release of phy 2.0]
Code used to generate figures for Siegle, Jia et al. (2019)
Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
💾 CS411: Database Systems in Spring 2018, UIUC
🖥️ CS446: Machine Learning in Spring 2018, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign