A ghost theme for programmers.
Quark is a ghost theme for programmers based on ghost's official Casper theme (v1.3.6). It is heavily inspired by Andrea Tarquini's Odin theme (v1.3.0). Quark incorporates a few (customizable) appearance tweaks while retaining the minimalistic nature of Casper.
Use code injection (specifically the blog footer section) to customize theme appearance.
var social_link = { 'linkedin-square': 'https://om.linkedin.com/in/sufialhussaini', 'github-square': 'https://github.com/Sufi-Al-Hussaini', 'facebook-square': 'https://www.facebook.com/sufialhussaini', 'envelope-square': 'mailto:[email protected]', 'rss':'https://shoaib-ahmed.com/rss/' };
Refer to typed.js documentation.
var typed_config = { strings: ["Software developer", "Tech freak"], typeSpeed: 50, startDelay: 500, backDelay: 500, loop: true };
Create your own configuration here.
var particles_config = { /* Paste your config here. Default config is in <assets>/js/particles.js */ };
- Add disqus comments
- Add code syntax highlighting
- Add google analytics